2008 SANTE 210 NSS Install Thread

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  • markj
    1,000 Post Club Member
    • Apr 2005
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    • NorCal

    • Current: 2015 230 Sold: 2005 SAN 210 1991 Barefoot

    Have you noticed a difference in how it trailers now with less tongue weight since you moved it back?


    • swatguy
      1,000 Post Club Member
      • May 2008
      • 1631

      • Midwest/ Northern IL

      • 2008 SANTE 210

      I haven't noticed any difference in trails ring at all. I was a bit generous on the six inches I went back and measured and it was 4 3/4. So I don't think that will have any effect for me


      • swatguy
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • May 2008
        • 1631

        • Midwest/ Northern IL

        • 2008 SANTE 210

        Ok all here we go. Finally was able to put this tongue test and get some results and feedback. Against Dr's orders fighting ACL reconstruction surgery we finally got to put system to work. Weight configuration. I removed my rear tanks and have 1100's back there. They end up roughly 3/4 full. Run bow piggy back and 240 lbs pop bags stuffed as forward as possible under center bow cushion. Ride goofy side at 10.5. had to bump it up to 11 for the regular side. Hydrogate floated between all the way back (completely disengaged) and in the middle (half engaged) I preferred it disengaged. Others liked it all the way back out of the way.

        Some positives.

        -The pocket definitely gets way more length. Probably double if I had to gues
        - driving an unlisted boat on a busy lake is much more preferred by the wife.
        - ease of going straight to surf from wake in push of button to deploy the NSS cuts down on down time.

        - really only one.............but it's major. You lose a ton of push .

        Gotta be honest here. I have been riding the listed version of this wake and the 210 wave is way a over average for 21ft's of its time on the surf side listed. It's part of the reason I upgraded to this boat. I was expecting getting an identical wave at the least when using NSS vs listing. Not the case. Listing still gives you way better push. You sacrifice a bit of performance for ease of use. Not a bad trade off for us as surfing is maybe 25% of ride time at the most. The wake imo using the NSS is just blah. Average at best because it lacks the push you got with the boat being listed. Would I recommend it????? If you're just wanting ease of use yes. If you're looking to get away from listing heavily , yes. If you're looking for a way to better your current "listed "wake NSS on this particular 07-13 210 hull I feel falls short. This is all after only about 3 days getting on water and doing some firsthand riding. Didn't play with ballast configs much quite yet.

        All in all. My personal opinion if you're looking to maximize your surf wake listing is still king. If you're looking for ease of use , level driving, and ease of setup NSS may be the ticket. Maybe my opinion changes after figuring out some weight placement options.... Til then tho I'll stick by this.
        Attached Files


        • jesam
          • Apr 2016
          • 54

          • Southeast

          • 2013 SAN 210

          Awesome review. Appreciate it.


          • ScooterMcgavin
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Jul 2011
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            • Florida

            • 2014 SAN 210 TE

            Is there anyone out there that has a NSS equipped 07-13 210 who has experienced the lack of push generated after putting this system on thier boat? Or anyone that has a setup to use on a 210 with NSS. Trying to figure out why this is happening and can't recall reading about this anywhere over the years NSS has been out. Would be nice to get to the bottom of it. Thanks
            2009 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
            2006 Super Air Nautique 210 TE
            1989 Sport Nautique


            • jtryon
              • Jun 2011
              • 239

              • CT

              • 2007 Centurion Typhoon

              i would guess you need more weight. 3/4 full puts you at 825lbs in the rear, assuming on both sides. i even run more than you do on my older 20' supra with my homemade surfgate--i run ~1400 surf side and 800 non-surf side. looking at the wave it looks plenty long just not tall, which means you need more displacement. i wouldn't give up on it yet--just sack that thing out and see what happens!


              • Quinner
                1,000 Post Club Member
                • Apr 2004
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                • Correct Crafts

                Keep that Ballast Ship on your side of DLR, lol


                • swatguy
                  1,000 Post Club Member
                  • May 2008
                  • 1631

                  • Midwest/ Northern IL

                  • 2008 SANTE 210

                  Originally posted by Quinner View Post
                  Keep that Ballast Ship on your side of DLR, lol
                  Ha it already cost me an iPhone during the second test session. Should have working phone hooked up again tomorrow. SOB first phone in the lake

                  Originally posted by ScooterMcgavin View Post
                  Is there anyone out there that has a NSS equipped 07-13 210 who has experienced the lack of push generated after putting this system on thier boat? Or anyone that has a setup to use on a 210 with NSS. Trying to figure out why this is happening and can't recall reading about this anywhere over the years NSS has been out. Would be nice to get to the bottom of it. Thanks
                  This is baffling me as well

                  Also as I stated my phone went gonzo. Shoot me text so I can tore you're number again
                  Last edited by swatguy; 06-03-2016, 10:48 PM.


                  • Bevostein
                    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
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                    I think your distribution of weight is too far forward. Lose some of the bow weight or move it aft. Also most people with NSS on Gs are riding 11.4-11.8. Might try bumping your speed

                    Sent from my iPhone using PLANETNAUTIQUE mobile app


                    • H2O
                      • Jul 2006
                      • 247

                      All of the delayed convergence systems (NSS, SurfGate, etc.) will need more weight than listed. Listing really sinks one corner of the stern deeper so to get more push out of a level stern will require more weight in comparison.


                      • swatguy
                        1,000 Post Club Member
                        • May 2008
                        • 1631

                        • Midwest/ Northern IL

                        • 2008 SANTE 210

                        I have tried running it with both 1100's full in the rear, center tank full, center piggy back full, and 280lbs of Lead I bow. . Will not clean up at all with that weight in the rear. I end up emptying1/3-1/4 of the bags. I also may just throw my 1579-1465 on there and see how that effects it. (Current is 1617) I know a prop can have sown effect too.

                        I haven't tried bumping it up to 11.5mph tho.

                        I did try a method Scooter found of actually using a slight opposite "surf side "lean in an older NSS thread. Seemed to bump up the steepness a bit, but could t test it as I was solo. However all my pics and video are swimming with the fishes at the moment. So will have to gather some more later. Rain seems to want to kill the weekend here so back to more testing in a bit.
                        Last edited by swatguy; 06-04-2016, 01:01 PM.


                        • lucky7t
                          1,000 Post Club Member
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 1306

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                          • 2015 SANTE


                          Originally posted by ScooterMcgavin
                          Is there anyone out there that has a NSS equipped 07-13 210 who has experienced the lack of push generated after putting this system on thier boat? Or anyone that has a setup to use on a 210 with NSS. Trying to figure out why this is happening and can't recall reading about this anywhere over the years NSS has been out. Would be nice to get to the bottom of it. Thanks
                          I've found if you shorten the wake you get more push. I think he needs to play with the plates and make it shorter. Our 15 210 has so much push we have to lean back hard or place your foot on the back of the board furthest so you don't rush up and smack the platform

                          We also surf at 9.8 not 11 . Hope that helps
                          Current Correct Craft Boat
                          [URL="http://tapatalk.imageshack.com/v2/15/02/05/1e6128564805861d2625d7b7f8efd2f1.jpg"]2015 SANTE 210[/URL]

                          Correct Craft Boats Owned
                          [URL="http://www.planetnautique.com/vb5/attachment.php?attachmentid=17771&d=1340117700"]2012 SANTE 210 (Boatmate Trailer)[/URL]
                          [URL="http://www.planetnautique.com/vb5/attachment.php?attachmentid=14107&d=1313460568"]2003 SANTE 210 (Dorsey Trailer)[/URL]
                          [URL="http://www.planetnautique.com/vb3/attachment.php?attachmentid=14108&d=1313461675"]2007 SANTE 210 (Magnum Trailer)[/URL]


                          • scarbs
                            Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
                            • Aug 2009
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                            • 2017 G23

                            I have found that--especially on the port side--the rear bags cannot be evenly full for the best wave. It seems that once the NSS plate is below the water line, it cannot function properly. For me, I get the best wave when I fill the rear surf-side locker (1100 pounds) all the way full. This takes about 2.5 cycles of the pumps. I fill the opposite side about 2 cycles so that it is about 3/4 full. Then I fill belly full (but I have removed my hard tanks and use a center-seat sac). And I fill the integrated bow sac as full as I can get it. This produces a really good wave with a lot of push. But for an even better wave, I have two 150-pound Sumo sacs that I manually fill and place beneath each side bench seat. And depending on crew (it's usually just my wife and two sons), I have several Fly High Fat Bricks that I place on the surf side--one in the bow and one to two on top of the side bench seat.

                            I have the 1617 ACME prop. And with this weight configuration when I am surfing, I run the boat at 10.5 to 11.2 mph with the NSS set to 3 and the wave plate pulled all the way back. I am 6' 1" and 190 pounds and there is enough push (if I am on a quality board) to surf 25' behind the boat. My 13-year-old (about 150 pounds) can surf 30'+ back on a good board at these settings, but he likes NSS at 5 for a steeper wave, which is not as long, but he can still go 25'+ back.

                            The boat does list a bit, but we are fine with that-- a good wave is what is most important to us. The NSS shapes and cleans up the wave really well and it is still much faster to switch for riders than before. When we switch sides (I am the only port-side rider in my family) we just fill the opposite rear locker (about 1/2 of a cycle) and empty the former surf-side locker about 1/2 to 2/3 of a cycle. And if we have a couple of fat bricks on the seats, just move them to the other side. The whole process takes just a couple of minutes. And since we all use a different board, we are usually ready on ballast before we have the old board in the sock and stored and the new board out of its sock and ready to go.

                            Because boards are so expensive, for years I just picked them up used on Craigslist or something. Last year I picked up a Phase 5 Trident from a friend of mine who sold his boat and was shocked at the dicference between the Ronix and Liquid Force that I had been using and the Phase 5. So this year I pulled the trigger on a new Phase 5 Hammerhead, Phase 5 Diamond, and Inland Surfer Sweet Spot. These higher-quality boards have made the wave seem even better.

                            2017 G23
                            2012 210 TE
                            1999 SAN
                            1995 Sport
                            1991 Sport


                            • shag
                              1,000 Post Club Member
                              • Jul 2003
                              • 2217

                              • Florida

                              When you mounted the switch, did you need the entire 2" hole they want you to cut out? Seems overkill... And I don't have 2" hole saw, lol


                              • swatguy
                                1,000 Post Club Member
                                • May 2008
                                • 1631

                                • Midwest/ Northern IL

                                • 2008 SANTE 210

                                Originally posted by shag View Post
                                When you mounted the switch, did you need the entire 2" hole they want you to cut out? Seems overkill... And I don't have 2" hole saw, lol
                                I remember thinking to myself this is a big hole for no use. I can't recall gown much you actually needed , but the 2 inches was def not needed.

