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PLEASE STOP AND READ! The DIY section is for posting DIY articles only! These articles should be about some repair or project that YOU HAVE COMPLETED, and how others can also accomplish whatever you have done. The DIY section is NOT a place to start threads asking HOW to do something. Threads like that must be started in the Maint. / Tech. Discussion section. It is permissible to ask the original poster questions about his or her project in their thread here though.
Cool mod, as long as it doesn't poke through the vinyl and into someone's foot. If the screws are short enough, you're in good shape!
This is kind of similar to the rope hooks that come on the G-series boats. They're on the engine dividers though.
Nice work!
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
yep, i always hang things off the engine dividers...but i am sure the back of hatch cover will be just fine. I bet your screws are not any longer than the gas struts right next to it...
The Nets are like three or four dollars on eBay. And the dog collar is $1 from Dollar Tree and works perfect. You just pop off the gas strut hang the metal clip over the stud and pop it back on.
No. The base inside the lid is 1/2" thick. The screw doesn't even make it through.
If the screws are 3/4 in long and the base is 1/2 in thick then wouldn't the screws poke through? It is a really cool mod, just want to make sure before i think about trying this.
If the screws are 3/4 in long and the base is 1/2 in thick then wouldn't the screws poke through? It is a really cool mod, just want to make sure before i think about trying this.
You're forgetting about the 1/4" that the rope cleat itself takes up.