Hi, I've got an 02 SANTE that I've been doing the standard ballast upgrades to using a bunch of guidance from this page, noticed everyone been abandoning the ballast gauges, here's what I've done to keep them functional using 750's in the back.
See pics for detail:
I used about 18" of 2" pvc pipe per tank, two tees with 3/4" female thread, two threaded 3/4" barbed adapters, one 3/4" barbed Tee and two 2" end caps. I drilled a 1-1/8" hole in the top one end cap to slip the sending unit through and used marine sealant and screws to fasten it in - note: be sure the float on the sending unit isn't binding in the sides, once I had the 5 screws of the sending unit in place I used them to center the post in the pipe. Feed the bottom intake of the new sending unit pipe assembly from the spare bottom port of the ballast bag. Connect from the top port of the assembly to the vent line with the 3/4" tee. Fasten the sending unit assembly vertically in the hatch, make the connection back to the guage and biggity bang - working guages.
I'll attach a few more pics of it installed, was a little pressed for time but here are the construction photos...
Sent from my SM-G986W using Tapatalk
Big thanks to stevemo, bturner and many others... my projects have gone infinitely smoother with the how-to's posted here
See pics for detail:
I used about 18" of 2" pvc pipe per tank, two tees with 3/4" female thread, two threaded 3/4" barbed adapters, one 3/4" barbed Tee and two 2" end caps. I drilled a 1-1/8" hole in the top one end cap to slip the sending unit through and used marine sealant and screws to fasten it in - note: be sure the float on the sending unit isn't binding in the sides, once I had the 5 screws of the sending unit in place I used them to center the post in the pipe. Feed the bottom intake of the new sending unit pipe assembly from the spare bottom port of the ballast bag. Connect from the top port of the assembly to the vent line with the 3/4" tee. Fasten the sending unit assembly vertically in the hatch, make the connection back to the guage and biggity bang - working guages.
I'll attach a few more pics of it installed, was a little pressed for time but here are the construction photos...
Sent from my SM-G986W using Tapatalk
Big thanks to stevemo, bturner and many others... my projects have gone infinitely smoother with the how-to's posted here