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Throttle Base Assembly Troubleshoot and Replacement
Thanks for the feedback, if JP stills wants a crack at it might be worth having a backup down the road. Glad the new one is working good, that's promising.
I may peel the lid on mine when the new one gets installed, just to see if it's as simple as a smoked diode, it's an easy test.
2017 SN200 CB : My issues are different.
1. occasionally does not go in forward gear. stated last 2 days of skiing. today was testing with ~100 in gear attempts and 7 no forward
2. more frequent when engine is warm say 5 in the last 20 and none until 2 ski run simulations
3. no weird sounds at throttle body like clicks mention by aerojust but not hearing or feeling the normal umph of ingear
4. neutral button does not work
5. when warm, the connections at transmission are soften and barely require the tab be lifted over the dimple
Could this be something else?
Why is just occasional?
For my model and year, part is different and 170158. The label on mine ends in 70 while nautique parts label looks similar but ends in 77. Have an email into nautiqueparts.
The “text” support from Nautique Parts was amazing for me. I’d double check with them. Everything you’re saying says to me it’s the throttle base. Remember to get the template and print that out. You will have to cut out the fiberglass to fit the new part. A good Dremel or similar tool is the best way.
2017 SN200 CB : My issues are different.
1. occasionally does not go in forward gear. stated last 2 days of skiing. today was testing with ~100 in gear attempts and 7 no forward
2. more frequent when engine is warm say 5 in the last 20 and none until 2 ski run simulations
3. no weird sounds at throttle body like clicks mention by aerojust but not hearing or feeling the normal umph of ingear
4. neutral button does not work
5. when warm, the connections at transmission are soften and barely require the tab be lifted over the dimple
Could this be something else?
Why is just occasional?
For my model and year, part is different and 170158. The label on mine ends in 70 while nautique parts label looks similar but ends in 77. Have an email into nautiqueparts.
I'm having the same issues as you - 2015 200 with 343. Hoping someone here might help. Not sure I want to spend the money on a part before I know it is the problem. Have you swapped your connections around to test? Ie: reverse will be forwards and vice versa and will rule out the solenoids as an issue. I'm about to try some connection cleaner but I doubt that will help tbh. Would love to know what is inside that control box to see if it is serviceable?