Hey everyone, I'm Dan and I'm new to planetnautique.com, however I am not new to Nautiques. Before my new 2008 I previously had a '98 SuperSport, and most recently a '01 210 TE. Because I don't have a trailer yet I'm limited to the Butler Chain in Orlando, but I don't mind for right now.
As of yet the boat is still stock except for the extra Fly High fat sacs I've bought: (1) 720 LB'er, (2) 440 LB'er. It makes for one of the sickest waves I've seen behind a boat, and the ZR6 motor handles it with ease.
The pictures were taken on my iPhone so the quality is not the greatest, but they'll do for now.
As of yet the boat is still stock except for the extra Fly High fat sacs I've bought: (1) 720 LB'er, (2) 440 LB'er. It makes for one of the sickest waves I've seen behind a boat, and the ZR6 motor handles it with ease.
The pictures were taken on my iPhone so the quality is not the greatest, but they'll do for now.