First trip out at Bluff Creek Marina, Possum Kingdom Lake.
Nice boat. Very clean look to it! I love PK lake. I spent most of my weekends there when I was a kid. We took our 211 up there last July and it was VERY rough because of heaavy boat traffic. It ended up costing us an ACL and an implant that weekend!!
Enjoy the 210 and the lake!
You have a short span of time during the day to wakeboard on Possum Kingdom. It is from about 6:00 to 9:00 in the morning and you have to get as far away from ****'s Gate as possible. We usually go to Caddo Bay which is about a 20 minute boat ride from Bluff Creek. I only go up there about twice a year. My home lake is Lake Belton. I find it hard to believe that Possum Kingdom is dominated by MasterCrafts.
I love my over the tower bimini because I'm very tall. I don't have speakers and I just clear the tower, so an under the tower bimini would be a big hindrance to me.