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Nice looking boat. I would love to see another pic of that bimini from the side. Not sure that I've seen one that drops down like that at the speakers....looks interesting.
88 Ski Nautique
99 Sport Nautique
Currently - 07 Nautique 216 Team
Looks like a FCT. We just bought a 2008 210 and have to decide if we get an over the tower or nder the tower bimini. Do you have pictures standing in the boat under the bimini? What is the height from the floor? Is it a Tower Bimini?
2014 230 Super Air Nautique
2008 210 Super Air Nautique (sold)
2003 216 Air Nautique (sold)
Since your boat is configured like mine it wwould be great if you could get a picture or two of you standing under/behind the bimini and a measurement in the rear and front off the floor. Is this a Tower Bimini?
2014 230 Super Air Nautique
2008 210 Super Air Nautique (sold)
2003 216 Air Nautique (sold)