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I'm surfing a 4'10" 1972 Santa Cruz Freeline tri-fin board. I'm probably going 20rpm....it's a blast!
You're a drummer too! Right on! Band? I was on an Indie label for 2 years..recorded an album at A&M Studios several years back. I play at home only now. Drumming is my other passion.
I'm surfing a 4'10" 1972 Santa Cruz Freeline tri-fin board. I'm probably going 20rpm....it's a blast!
You're a drummer too! Right on! Band? I was on an Indie label for 2 years..recorded an album at A&M Studios several years back. I play at home only now. Drumming is my other passion.
Nice Nautique you have as well!
That's cool buddy. Yessir, I've been playing for 40 years, and still play to this day. I've been in many many bands, four really good bands that toured Florida. We recorded 8 songs in the studio in 1983, two of which got air time on an FM station in West Palm Bch. I guess my 15 minutes of fame is that I played with Eddie Money 6 years ago in Daytona for a one show concert.
Thank you for the kind words sir. The pleasure is mine.