waterskifanaticGAJ 1994 Ski Nautique

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  • waterskifanaticGAJ
    • Sep 2008
    • 21

    waterskifanaticGAJ 1994 Ski Nautique

    My dad and I bought this boat brand new in 1994. I do a ton of slalom course, trick skiing, kneeboarding, and barefooting. My brother is an accomplished kneeboarder, and a strong slalom course skier. Our boat has close 1400 hours on after the close of the 2008 season. Despite all the use our boat is still in near mint condition. We have the 351 PCM carbureted engine with 240 horsepower and the 1:1 transmission. We just had Perfect Pass Stargazer installed last spring. It works just like they say it does. The main advantages a Ski Nautique has over its competition is it is the most user friendly for the driver, the hull and structure are very solid second to none, best tracking, and its skiability/wake characteristics are less effected by adverse conditions. The key is keeping fresh oil in the engine, winterizing it properly, and detail it on a regular basis. It gets a full detail job before going away for the winter, and then a monthly maintenance detail to keep it clean. A boat lift is a must!
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  • kevfran99
    • Sep 2008
    • 335

    • ATL

    • 08 210 SAN Team

    RE: waterskifanaticGAJ 1994 Ski Nautique

    Very nice looking! You've spent countless hours working to keep that boat nice! I do the same! What part of GA are you?
    '08 SAN 210 Team Black w/Patriot red top stripe-Tow Biminis over the tower-4 under water transom lights-hot/cold shower-crest carpet-full throttle steering wheel-extra 6 channel JL amp-Pro 80's-WS420-fiberglass sub enclosure-led'd vents-Chromax Letters-and Tinted windshield for now......

    Tow Vehicle--05 GMC 2500 Crew Cab Short Bed 6.6L Duramax/Allison with a few mods

    -GO DAWGS!-


    • waterskifanaticGAJ
      • Sep 2008
      • 21

      RE: waterskifanaticGAJ 1994 Ski Nautique

      I live in Ohio, but I keep my boat in Pennsylvania. The lake in the picture is in western Pennsylvania. We usually start skiing in April, and ski into mid to late October. Keeping the bottom waxed makes the slalom wakes smaller. A friend of mine has the same hull, and it has a slightly bigger wake. Guys on the lake who have newer ones bust my chops asking me if my boat still runs. I bring it in for a tune up to a marina every 400 hours. The only actual repairs I have had to make are, replacing the alternator at 1300 hours, a couple of seat skins, and one steering cable at 800 hours. The prop is getting its first overhaul.


      • CradGen2
        1,000 Post Club Member
        • Aug 2020
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        • Horseheads NY

        • 1999 Ski 2000 Sport 2004 SV21 2007 216 1992 Malibu flightcraft 2008 210 2006 ski 2012 - 210 2016 BU 23lsv 1998 Sport 1997 Super Sport

        RE: waterskifanaticGAJ 1994 Ski Nautique

        What lake in Western PA are you on. I'm living in Pittsburgh, but use to go to Conneaut Lake a lot growing up. Is that Lake Latonka?


        • waterskifanaticGAJ
          • Sep 2008
          • 21

          RE: waterskifanaticGAJ 1994 Ski Nautique



          • waterskifanaticGAJ
            • Sep 2008
            • 21

            RE: waterskifanaticGAJ 1994 Ski Nautique

            Working on fixing a leaky muffler. I am going to take it out and cover the bottom half with a couple of coats of JB Weld. In the past, it has worked most of the times I have tried it, but because I am applying it upside down the epoxy may fall because it is hanging upside down it does not solve the problem. I want to see if that works before spending the money on a new muffler. I am going to take it out of the boat this time to let it cure while the muffler is sitting upside down. Any ideas?


            • SNobsessed
              • Nov 2008
              • 60

              RE: waterskifanaticGAJ 1994 Ski Nautique

              WSFanatic - I assume you have the fiberglass Invertaflow muffler. if so, I would pin point the leak (air pressure test or fill with water). Grind out the pinhole & use fiberglass mat with epoxy resin to plug the hole. You should do several layers, each one being about 2 inches bigger than the last.

              Good luck!


              • waterskifanaticGAJ
                • Sep 2008
                • 21

                I have had it patched up a couple of times with fiberglass. I bought 5 tubes of JB Weld to cover the bottom half. It has worked in the small areas in the past. I plan to cover the bottom half with it. If this does not work, then it will be time for a new one next year..

