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well not to be mean but I'm not so sure it's actually a SN it looks like a Mustang to me based on how close the front seats are together, bet the battery under the observers seat and not between the to seats and the emblem on the dash looks like its mounted way to high for a factory location. It's clean and all but looks alittle fishy in a couple of areas to be a SN.
Yea it’s a Nautique with the hood scoop missing. You must ignore bob, he likes to put in his negative 2 cents worth but is usually short of the exact change.
Mustang of that era had the windshield mounted on a raised hull extension. The hood scoop on the 78 was a thin screw down molded fiberglass add on that was often stepped on and broken. Probally why you dont have one. I bet someone covered over the scoop vent holes.
They corrected the problem in 79 and made it part of the top deck mold.
2012 Team Ski Nautique ZR409
2011 Sport Nautique 200
2008 SANT 230
2003 Air Nautique 226
1988 Martinique
1979 Nautique
1978 Tique
1976 Tique (First New Boat)
Actually, I think Bobchris was pretty darn civil. I might have had the same thoughts myself for a minute, but the lettering on the stern was ski nautique, not mustang.
Now, as a happily married man I probably shouldn't say this, but if the gal in the pink suit comes along as a boat mate I'm betting you have em lined up to buy the boat Yellow_Flash_Colorz: BKH