Took delivery of our boat yesterday. Will be out on the lake as soon as we get a weekend with no rain.
Sometimes it says that for me but it still works anyways. I dont know. Maybe get a or account. Good luck.2007 210 TE - Maiden voyage 4/25/2008!
2003 Super Air Nautique all white/blue stripe
2002 Super Air Nautique white hull/red & black stripe
1990 Ski Nautique grey hull/red & black stripe
1987 Ski Nautique cream hull/blue stripe
1984 Ski Nautique grey/black & grey stripes
1984 Ski Nautique biegh/brown stripes
1977 Ski Nautique white/blue letters
I am going out on a limb here but does the PK stand for Possum Kingdom? If so we are trying to plan a trip to hit PK some time this summer with a friend who lives in Hudson Oaks just south of PK.
Nice boat too!!!!!!!!!2001 Super Air Nautique
Python Powered
100 Amp Alternator
Dual Batteries
Many upgrades coming...
Yeah, PK stands for Possum Kingdom. If it is the PK I am thinking about it is about an hour away from the lake. Weatherford area. Anyways, you should definitely make the trip. It is a good recreational lake. And if you are looking to party come out Memorial weekend, the weekend of the 4th, or Labor Day weekend. Those are the three best weeks out there.
2007 210 TE - Maiden voyage 4/25/2008!
2003 Super Air Nautique all white/blue stripe
2002 Super Air Nautique white hull/red & black stripe
1990 Ski Nautique grey hull/red & black stripe
1987 Ski Nautique cream hull/blue stripe
1984 Ski Nautique grey/black & grey stripes
1984 Ski Nautique biegh/brown stripes
1977 Ski Nautique white/blue letters