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You are correct. Lake Mohawk is located in Malvern, OH about 25 miles south of Canton. It's a 500 acres man-made lake with no HP limit! Private lake so no ODNR to deal with every weekend....
that is a beautiful boat. first nauti i ever rode behind besides a slalom was the exact same year/color scheme and i got booted so high i thought i was up in the clouds with 747's dodging me
I sold my last boat to a guy who rides that lake. 96 Sport with a purple stripe. Have some friends who live out there, great lake for skiing.
19 SANTE 210
08 SANTE 210 ZR6
08 SANTE 230 ZR6
04 Super Air 210 Team Edition Ex343- Loved that boat
96 Sport Nautique GT-40 - First Nautique
88 Baja Ski Sport- First boat
There seems to be a flood of Nautiques coming to Lake Mohawk. Two of my ski club buddies just bought brand new 210 SAN but without the ballast tanks. They both are huge slalomers so I was surprised they went with a V-Drive instead of direct drive. When my tanks are full, you are up in the clouds for sure....almost too sick!!
I was born in Carrollton, so that's how I knew Great looking boat for sure!! I live on Choctaw Lake which is about the same setup, private but only 388 acres, but no ODNR to mess with, so that's nice!
Travis Fling
Choctaw Lake
Current - 1989 Ski Nautique 2001