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Seriously my next boat is going to be something crazy like that. All, all black (certainly not to that extreme) or all, all white. They did such a good job on that boat it's ridiculous. All comments of practicality aside, that's just impressive. Seeing it in the water confirms that even further.
Yeah, that was the cockpit from the pilot episode before they had the details worked out, as opposed to the improved voice visualizer and they replaced the ancient picture tubes with updated (for the day) LCD screens. They also updated the shifter to a Mark III TBU unit in episode 5 and in episode 13 integrated a chemical analyzer in the upper right quadrant.
Just Kidding. (or is it Kitting) Yellow_Flash_Colorz: Yellow_Flash_Colorz: Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
it was definitly a nice build. if you get the oportunity to talk to the owner now, get us some feed back. if he/she isnt a PN member,...then send them over to give us all the pros and cons........what they would change if they could, etc................
if im wrong so be it but as far as i remember,...they paint the decks themselves. the boat came to them just like any other boat with a white deck. they wove the magic wand and created magic all by their lonesome...........
Yes, that is correct. They painted the deck to match the rest of the boat.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!