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Very nice! Why was no one behind the boat on the 34mph photo? SHould have had someone back there showing off their skills.
Nobody in our family could do it...but good point. I've got two buddies that are slalom experts. One could drive while I get some photos of some hard cuts around the buoys.
One more question Airtool, where do you store your boat? I live In Katy, have a place on Lake Conore and store my boats and jetskis near Lake Conroe, but if I could find a long storage shed like the one you're in, I would maybe move.
Can you wakeboard on Lakes of Katy? Also, it looks like boats are limited to 23' in length. Would a 230 be excluded?
Yes wakeboarding is okay....wakeskates, barefoot, air chair thingy's, kneeboards, get ready....."tubes", and many others.
I don't have the boat rules handy but there are some and they are fairly strict. There was a big stink that I don't have the details on about some boats not being in compliance. I think those boats were grandfathered. I don't know if a 230 would fly. There are some big boats there...but they may be grandfathered. I can possibly dig up the rules and PM them if there is a reason you need them. They should be public record as part of the covenants.
Originally posted by KatyTX
One more question Airtool, where do you store your boat? I live In Katy, have a place on Lake Conore and store my boats and jetskis near Lake Conroe, but if I could find a long storage shed like the one you're in, I would maybe move.
PM sent
Originally posted by saceone
Originally posted by Boardboy
Awesome ride Airtool! Keep enjoying it. Always appreciate your posts on this site.
Great Boat! Looks like you and your family will have some amazing days on the Lake together! I would be glad to take a look at the plans for your house and give you a hand with them if you are interested. I am an architect in Boise, ID and specialize in custom home design with a background mainly in resort homes. I would love to break into a market where I could combine water skiing with work. If you are interested, please send me an e-mail off forum to tad@jjds.net and I can send you some examples of other homes I have designed. Have fun out there on the Lake! Looks like a gorgeous place to live & ski!