Been meaning to post these for awhile. These were taken this summer on our favorite lake. This is my latest ride that I picked up a year ago. When I bought the boat, it had the 2006 tribal graphic. That had to go. I was debating between going back to stock '03 decals or giving the Chromax a try. I went with the Chromax!
Thanks Red Bird. I'm pretty stoked with how they turned out, huge improvement over what was on there before. These are the standard factory 2009 SAN Chromax. I know you can order them from Orlando Nautiques for $300/side:
They come in two sections, "SUPER AIR" and "NAUTIQUE". I'd recommend lining them up parallel with the rub rail, centered between the water line and the rub rail. I almost blew it on one side by lining them up with the swoosh tail, which does not run perfectly horizontal. Catastrophe averted.2003 SANTE
Wow that looks great. I had thought about adding these but the cost was something that was hard to get over, but seeing yours you might have changed my mind. Home run in my opinion.......2001 Super Air Nautique
Python Powered
100 Amp Alternator
Dual Batteries
Many upgrades coming...
Home run indeed. After I sent my initial reply I did a search and found the same link to Orlando Nautiques and the Chromax graphic. Now I need to figure out if my dislike of the standard AIR graphic is worth $600. :shock:
My boat has the tan gel as the major color, with the black swoop, and I'm thinking that the chrome would look awesome on this color combo. Decisions, decisions.2003 SAN (current)
2003 Chaparral 220 SSi (sold)
Thanks! I agree, I think they would actually look better on the single stripe boats. My last ride was a '97 Sport. "AIR NAUTIQUE" in chromax down the side of that one would have looked great.
In this case, I had to change the graphic. Here is a poor quality cell phone pic of what the boat looked like when I bought it in Oct. '08. This had to go. To put the stock '03 graphics back on was going to be ~$450. I think the chromax is definitely worth the extra $150. CC really got it right with this option. When the sun hits it on the water, it just shimmers.
I also removed the windshield tint. I still don't understand the concept of making your windshield impossible to see out of...2003 SANTE
But I could at least see out of your windshield when I drove your ride g-man. Your tint is nice, my windshield might as well have been painted black. Totally impossible to see out of. I like the new tower/bimini setup by the way. Did you get that tower drainage issue fixed? I heard it froze.2003 SANTE