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its a great boat just saying he has a ski boat and a crossover ski/wakeboard boat not a full on wakeboard boat. still dope though just speaking my thoughts
Hollywood not that I'm disputing a 1900 post member, but I don't think the 95 super sport was meant as a crossover. I’d say it was meant to compete with the I/O world giving you better performance, wake and skiing ability. In 95 we were still using the skirfer and open toed WB boots. As boat evolved for skiing we quickly realized the “Super Sport” was a terrible “Water-ski” boat.
Here are the best of my worlds. Barefooting, Skiing (working on selling the 216 for a 200) and a 210. I’d say the 216 has a great slalom wake, not as good as the 196 with rooster tail placement, but just as soft. Personally I can’t tell the difference between the 216 and 206.
Hollywood not that I'm disputing a 1900 post member, but I don't think the 95 super sport was meant as a crossover. I’d say it was meant to compete with the I/O world giving you better performance, wake and skiing ability. In 95 we were still using the skirfer and open toed WB boots.
You must had not seen the infamous Obrien Shredder in '95. Brings back great memories for me
A 210 or 230 would have been nice but my parents bought the 211 new in 2006 not having the 196. At the time I loved 3 event skiing and wakeboarding as well as my parents enjoyed cruising around with friends, the 211 was the best way for our family to go. When I started competing in 3 event skiing I saved up the money and bought the 196 used. I love that boat for skiing but its not a good boat for the cruising aspect nor the wakeboarding so I convinced my dad to hold onto the 211. I still find myself extremly fortunate to have 2 of the worlds best inboard boats sitting at my dock!
2008 Ski Nautique 206
2006 Air Nautique 211
1986 Boston Whaler