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Mike & Gramps,
thanks for the info on the Teflon, I have a 2002 Avalanche that I had the teflon coating done on and people think I am a clean freak, because it looks freshly cleaned and waxed.. the truth is, I can spray wash/soft water rinse it, and it looks like I spent hours on it! Glad to hear this is the same thing for boats, so I assume I can take it to the same place my truck was done at!
Keep this hints coming... I have a looooonnnnggg wait til I get to see my '05 SV211 again!
2005 SV211
2008 220 <--- current as of 1May \'09
gramps (aka aki) was the one who suggested the teflon and the place to go....
the nautique dealer went with us on our first run today and he commented on the how well the water beaded off the hull..not to mention how easy the boat cleaned up.
Clubmyke, what type of company specializes in doing teflon coating? Is this a car or boat dealer? I tried searching for teflon coatings and could not find much info on it.
Was this done while the boat was on the trailer or was the boat lifted to get every part of the hull?
TwinTip, The place we had the Teflon Coating applied specializes in automobiles, they are just starting to get into doing boats via word of mouth. I have 2 friends that had theirs done and then got mine done. I liked it so much I have been telling others to do it.
They do it while it is on the trailer, they get as much of the hull as you want them to, I only had mine done to the second chine and up to the top of the gunnel the top part of the deck that faces the sun straight up.
We also had the trailer done, making road grime clean up really easy.
They will do the inside if you want for an additional cost.......I chose to not get it done and just wax the inside once in a while.
Mike, sorry for the thread hi-jack.........
Glad you liked the way the teflon coating turned out.
stereo....good question...just got into trouble with the wife for going over the stereo budget.....
going with
eclipse 8353 balanced head unit
custom ir remote pod where clarion used to be ( will post pics when done)
3 jl 300/4 amps running bridged
1 jl 500/1
3 pairs image dynamic 6.5 chamelaon seperates set up coaxial
1 pair image dynamic idq 12's in 2.50 cu ft. ported box
3 streetwires 1 farad caps
0 gauge streetwires for +/-
14 gauge streetwires speaker cable in shotgun setup
ar ht131 interconnects.
i m breaking in the subs and tweeking the q for the best sound...ported boxes are ALOT differrent than sealed boxes....
should have it all installed in 2 weeks....i am getting the wires, amps, and headunit first week and speakers the second week.
Where are you putting the 2 12's?
Did you consider running the new JL Audio 12W7's?
I gotta chime in on the Teflon coating. Several years ago I put a Teflon based wax on my 1988 2001. Later when I had some hull damage, I decided to have the whole thing wet sanded. Well, I get this call from the shop as they started the wet sanding. They want me to come out and look at the boat because it is not shinning up as one would expect. Nor is it matching with the new gel coat from the repairs. The first thing out of the detailer's mouth when I get there was whether or not I used a teflon based wax. When I showed him the bottle all he could do was shake his head and say never never use a teflon based product on a gel coat surface. He indicated that the teflon takes such a hard bite into the gelcoat that when it fades, and it will fade, you can't get the faded product out--even with wet sanding.
I don't know what this means in relation to the coating but the guy who gave me this info has been in biz for many many years and is considered one of the best fiberglass gel coat guys in the Rocky Mountains. Perhaps the teflon coating is different. I don't know but I thought I would throw in my two cents.
a friend who is salesman at a ultra highend home stereo shop (classe,cj,bat...ie $75k + systems) had 2 installed in his bmw and pulled them out a week later. they are a nice sub but need a huge amp, his jl j500/1 would'nt do it... he went back to his idq's. the jl's are very, very, inefficent. they were also a tad slow sounding in imo...
the idq's and the w7 is are two different subs... the w7 would be closer to the idmax... this type of design are designed for 1000 watts of clean class d power and a upgraded elcetrical system to perform...
the idqs are ultra efficent (91 db) and hit like a sledgehammer and have very high sound quality ( very unique in a car stereo sub....sound quality and loudness is a tradeoff...the idq is very musical and can go very loud and hit) also they are a steal at the price of $400 for a pair of 12's...the basket is pretty basic looking, but the one piece intergated surround is state of the art....also .85 for a sealed enclosure and 1.25 for ported is pretty good.
i have the ported box in my car right now ( breaking in the subs) and the ported box is pretty amazing....very efficent ( had to turn down my gain) and the sound quality is very close to my sealed box with the same subs....
i would really suggest hearing a system with image dynamics before you spend more money.... btw, the chameleon seperates are good..... they are not as good as my dynaudios in my car but just a musical and 1/2 the price ( keep in mind i am splitting hairs are this point)...
Thank you for the reply. I have a few friends running the W7. They sound awesome , and your right they are running 1,500 watts to each one. I think I'm going to run 1 12w7 and see how it sounds. I was looking at the Kicker L7 also. Not sure what seperates I will be running.
Are you going to install an extra batteries?