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Drove all the way to florida to pick her up. Removed the ugly decal with the red and blue in it and had the tower powdercoaded to match. Really happy with the way she turned out. Also im a team rider for wakeology. If you hadnt heard about us check out our website. Wakeology.com That board there is the 2010 Wakeology Stoke 137.
Many good times on his ole boat.
That tower looks great! If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost to powdercoat the entire tower? I have been thinking about doing the same thing, because all of my accessories are powdercoated. Thanks!
Good looking boat. I haven't seen one all black like that but is interesting against the all white (like mine also). Will you be putting any decals on the side or just leave it all black?
Tower cost me about 500, but i got a considerable discount. Well worth the money and time spent. I do plan on putting something on the side of the boat, weather its sponser decals or the nautique crest im not for sure quite yet. and hey green, maybe well get to ride sometime this summer.