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My Summer Toy...We installed The Monster Tower last summer, Very Happy with it, Like they say Strong....400+hours on the meter and still runs like new.
Mountain Island Lake, North Carolina
I always love the yellow ski nautique's... On my holiday address (France) some locals bought a new yellow Ski Nautique 10-12 years back and still running it.. They cannot sepperate from it..
Yay, another 90. Amazing how timeless that hull is! Still looks hot as ****. It's like the Ralph Lauren polo shirt- never goes out of style. If you look at other manufactuer's boats from the same time period they look ridiculous. Also, seems like yellow is the rarest color, followed by red for that period. Seems like every 90 is turquoise that you see out there.
2000 Ski Nautique GT-40
2016 SN 200 H5 www.Fifteenoff.com
Its weird How diffrent some boats can look with just the simples of mod's You think you have seen them all and know what they look like and hen thre is one like this that looks way diffrent than any other, And how just mounthing a diffrent tower can even change the shape and look. Nice boat I to like the Black tower and the dark window
My first Nautique was a 93 SN. So...count me as another fan of the early 90's hull with the slant back end and sharp window lines. I like the monster tower more everytime i see another picture of one.