Our restored '82:
Your ride is sweet. I also have an '82 2001 that is the same color. I'm real jealous of your tower too. What are some of the specs on it? What size, brand, can it retract, etc. Mine is still pretty much stock, except my interior needs to be redone. When I can get some pictures, I'll try and post a few.
Is your engine redone also, or is it still pretty old. I'm sure we could exchange some maintenance stories.
Very pretty! I love the 80-84 graphics- very simple, yet cool looking! Awesome.[/list]
G Time, thanks for the compliments. The tower was custom made by Ski Service in Melrose, FL. They do not sell boats but do maintainance, restorations, and custom work. They do a very good job of making the towers match the boat. My boat was pretty much stripped to the hull in '01 and redone. We repowered with a new PCM 351, new transmition, new electric, steering, battery, floor, carpet, upholstery, decals. All of this work was completed by Pro Watersports (Nautique dealer here in Jacksonville) We then later added tower, Perfect Pass, a depth finder, stereo, and restored the original trailer. We are very pleased with the boat and have put about 300 hours on the new engine. The boat we previously owned by a ski school and we know the boat has more then 2000 hours on the water. Pretty impressive engineering from C.C. 21 years and the hull is still near perfect.