After 7 boatless weeks (sold my 196 to Crad in the beginning of March) the wait is finally over - we took delivery of our 2011 230 on Friday afternoon and I was foiling behind it 18 hours later. We started looking in earnest at the 2011 boat shows and hoped to find a 2010 leftover... The dealer offered us his 2011 demo at a good price and we went for it. We weren't looking for a Coastal Edition (I'll venture that being in Kansas, this is the most inland one out there!) but given the real possibity that we'll someday be back on either the East or West coast it was a convenient option.
The most ironic bit is I've had the 2011 230 wallpaper on my PC for the last 6 months and people kept asking "Is that your boat?". I kept telling them no... little did I know we'd end up with one just like it.

The most ironic bit is I've had the 2011 230 wallpaper on my PC for the last 6 months and people kept asking "Is that your boat?". I kept telling them no... little did I know we'd end up with one just like it.