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Very nice color and great look.. I like the tribal, little more aggressive, less classic look. You like it... nobody else matters (except maybe the wife).. haha..
Ive been toying with the idea to add new graphics to my SS, but not sure what.. its really a plain Jane right now.... I need something other than stock.. Photoshop comes in handy before I blow some cash on a new look...
haha.. as soon as I find $2500 laying around...! or someone has an awesome deal... thats SO much for a tower that I cant justify right now... (actually the Wife cant)...
I just spent a $1000 for ballast system and misc stuff. I was thinking of an aftermarket tower like Aerial Airborne or something universal for half the ND cost... Decals for $125 are easier right now.. I like the black sides, but that would mean a full side wrap/decal to cover the stock white.... not leaning toward anything yet... nothing jumping out at me... but cost is a factor. If I can get away with a simple decal on white, that looks reasonable, I would do that first. Maybe the tribal on the white ($250).. but the black/gray line might not work with that large a decal... It will probably stay stock for this season Im guessing..