new to me, ended up pulling the trigger despite some advice to wait for the 210. However after riding behind it, loading it with weight, the 211 is a giant upgrade in wake from my 2003 moomba mobius lsv. clean, big, and the boat rides like a dream. unfortunately its going straight to storage, wont get to use it till the spring. If anyone has any tips or ideas for upgrades and to get the wake perfect big and clean for wakeboarding, let me know!

- Sep 2008
- 507
- Colorado River - Parker Strip
- Prescott, AZ
- 2004 Air Nautique 216 Team 2005 SANTE 210 2008 SAN 230
Welcome to the Family! I know you're going to love your new-to-you Nautique!!!BKinSoCal - Brian
'08 SANTE 230 - Current
'05 SANTE - Sold '10
'04 216 TE - Sold in '05
Now 2005 SV211 TE
was 1998 Super Sport
was 1988 Nautique
- is typical. I have one and the only time my rope catches is when I turn to pick up a fallen rider. We need to make sure it isn't hooked on the end before we take off (learned the hard way, and again for reinforcement).
Yeah, thats where mine is from, the only time my rope catch's is on a short wake surf rope, the rest of the time its ok, as long as u take a wide turn on picking up a fallen rider. It also helps to slightly turn down the back of the bimini so the rope slides off easily. Hope this helps.Herd2243
Now 2005 SV211 TE
was 1998 Super Sport
was 1988 Nautique
Another upgrade idea is to add spinner board racks. You can find then at Starone a.k.a. menace wake.
Best surf wake we found was 350 (straight line) sac on the port walk thru, a Fly High 370 tube sac under the passenger side bench, and another 350 on the floor of the bow. PP on 10 or 10.5 and the wave is awesome. I tried to consolidate to 2 sacs by placing a larger sac on the walk thru but it made a very walked out wave. Enjoy.
WB wake is fine (for me) stock. At the time, my kids were just learning so we had no need for a lot of ballast. I did try 200 lbs of pop products bags in each rear locker plus about 200 lbs in a sac in the ski locker and it enlarged the wake quite nicely.2010 Super Air Nautique 210 Team Edition
thanks for the suggestions. I bought the wedge sacs to put in the rear, I have a 350 tube sac for the ski locker, and im going to put another 500 pound bag up front. I also have a 750 pound bad for the cabin area if we need it, hopefully this set up will work well for wakeboarding, if not ill just tweat it a bit here and there till we get it figured out. I'll post up pics once we are finally able to get out and ride, weather in Ontario isn't cooperating too well right now.