Picked her up over the weekend.. :grin:
RE: Check her out
Were you out at Orwood on Saturday?? I think I saw you pulling that thing out of the water. I was in the malibu wakesetter. It's a beautiful boat. The one thing we did notice is that the tower speakers are behind the bimini, which seems like it would muffle the sound a lot. Have you tried them out yet??Ummm, I\'ll take the REAL 210 please. Thanks.
Loooooks Schweeeet ! I thought I saw that 210 over at CVM when I was there last week.
Nice combo color ! Looks good.
Hope to meet you and others at Don Pedro Spring event.
JoeCosBoat - 2005 Team 226 -ZR6 - Several Acme Prop's (1234, 644, 1160) Depending on occassion
Tow Rig - 2008 Chevy Silverado - Duramax Diesel - Crew Cab
1,000 Post Club Member
- Jul 2003
- 2908
- San Francisco, CA
- Current 2005 SV 211, due for upgrade! GS22 or GS24 perhaps? Previous
That mirror was on my 211 when I drove it at the dealer, it's a nice peice but I prefer the Monster Mirror mount with quick disconnect. I like to take the stuff off my tower when the boat gets put on the rack.
congrats, love the colors! that's a beautiful boat. Those are some big casters on the trailer, did you add them, or did they come that way? shoot some pic's of the interior! hope to meet you at DP in a couple of weeks.
Henry2004 SV-211 Team
Silver cloud deck, Onyx Hull.
Thanks everyone!! I spent many hours going through colors and actually didn't decide on them till I got there.
Yea it was sitting at CVM last week.
Mike - Yea I had them paint on the CF #'s. It looks so much better in person. Also on the pads on the trailer it's grip with Nautique logo's.
I'll take some more pics soon of the boat and the interior. I've been taking all of the millions of warning stickers off. It looks so much cleaner.
Everyone that's going to Spring Ride I'll see you there!
- Jul 2003
- 529
- Eugene, Oregon
- 1999 Sport Naqutique 2005 Super Air Nautique Team Edition
Awesome looking boat. Makes me anxious to see my new SANTE... One more month.... One more month... One more month. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
Are those tower speakers factory installed? I was wondering because its the second 05 TE I've seen with that setup. I know that the new boat will have tower speakers, and that they are the "upgraded" ones... Sorry for the somewhat stupid/ random question.
Again, Beautiful Specimen of a SANTE.How about \"Chales\"?
RIP Nikolai (\'05 SANTE) 5/23/05 - 4/30/06
DRAGON88, yes, stock on the Team.
breakz77Can't wait to see her at Naci in a few months!
How's the DHM doing? Have they figured out all of the geometry problems? Just to be on the safe side, you may want to watch out how far the bow sinks forward on the trailer. The bow stops totalled the rubrail on our '04. I'm sure they've figured everything out by now.