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Same rule here. If you have a mirror it's cool. The box is actually going to be thrown on the floor of the shop Tuesday. My instructions were not followed and it wasn't sprayed properly. However, it sounds great. I'll snap a few pics today and when I take it out. As for the board, it's a b-side and it is the best board anyone could ever ask for. All totaled we had about 3300lbs total in there running @ 3500-3600rpms on a 78' rope
I so want to move to TX! You guys have it made!
In wi you have to have a third and can't board after sunset.
We (my kids) surfed my 206 for the first time tonight. We went an hour past dark but its a private ski lake. I'm surprised nobody hollered at me....but the engine wasn't loud at surf speed. Good thing they couldn't see my wake: I had 400 in the trunk and 700 along starboard and my son stayed up on his first ride. He was wearing a gopro so we'll get a video up soon. I'm not sure we took any after dark.
I'll post a pic of the face of the box this afternoon. Still have full range of the drivers seat, and it known as the wet box I.e. wet sounds sub, and well you get the rest.
Being able to board at night, and being able to board at night legally are two different things. Texas state laws do not allow boarding from 20 minutes after sunset to 20 minutes before sunrise.
She's still black main, white stripe, grey hull. I actually am going to add a 260lb side sac on the rear seat next time. 60 hours this year. Hoping to make it to 80 before old man winter comes.