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platform is coated with ruwa boat vernis give's it a nice shine (i like that))
and you are right the trailer is next (winter)
greetz Theo (from the netherlands)
ben jij tommie die vorig jaar in amsterdam over de steiger ging sliden?
o i am sorry english.
beragi no we got the boat in belgium last year.
in the winter we stript the hole boat en rebild it.
rewierd the engine
the boat runs great now.
got to fatsacs a landloc and a pilon 2.3meter(made it myself)this is gone by a great summer.
I cannot say that I'm that crazy to do that kind of stuff Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
But you guys did a nice job on the 2001, we still have an 2001 in our group and it still runs strong. If you need some kind of advice or hints about the boat, please mail me. We are enjoying the 2001 for his 5th saison now. We rebuilt the entire engine (wasn't neccissarry but the engine is 100% now, also the looks) and also rebuilt the total electronics. I cannot look at the original way they wire the boats, it's asking for trouble.
Have you already tried some wakesurfing behind the 2001? We did once last summer, but it wasn;t a success (to less weight)...
And, het enigste goede wat uit Amsterdam komt is de trein naar Eindhoven! Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
(you are living in the neightbourhood of Amsterdam if I'm not mistaken)?
i live a bid furder to the north/west in schagen do you now it?
we are boarding in a channel near by kolhorn perfict spot (altijd vlak water)
wake surfing is no problem(put the 2 sacs on one site and the wave is great)
i also love to wakeskate
if i need some advies i mail you thanks
have a great year
talk to you later