That looks awesome
Got the ballast system all tied up: 900's installed in the back, 650 plumbed in the bow, 3rd pump, switch covers, and new switch pod installed.
Seadek came in, platform finished up and step pads installed. Waiting on my tower mounts to come back from being welded and then she is done and ready for summer.
1,000 Post Club Member
- Nov 2007
- 1575
- Fort Meadow Recevoir
- Mass
- 2012 Super Air Nautique 230 1999 Nautique Super Sport with 502 Python (for Sale)
WOW! Incredible job. That platform looks incredible and the respray looks amazing. I love the addition of the rear cupholders in the deck as well. Pretty sure I might do that this spring.Shawn
2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230
1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)
Thanks guys... I am very happy with how everything turned out. Now it is the waiting game for all the ice to melt on the lake. Last I heard it was 18" thick and then some. It is going to be a long spring twiddling my thumbs and itching to get on the water. Probably get bored and go through and degrease the entire bilge area/ski locker and what not since its pretty gross down there. Didn't think I would ever finish it but now its just a big tease.
One thing on the cupholders in the back is that there is a crown on the top of the deck so the edges of the cupholder are not flush with the boat. I have not determined if I am going to try to bend the lip of them down or just fill in the small gaps with some black 5200.
One last thing I want to do but can't bring myself to do it is to put a bottle/can deposit hole in the seat base next to the observer seat. When there is a boat full of people that storage is always used for empty cans and bottles and it gets tiresome for people to have to constantly get up and down to lift of the sit base over the storage. I want to figure out a way to make a clean little flapper style cover so you can just shove them in through the base of the seat.
1,000 Post Club Member
- Nov 2007
- 1575
- Fort Meadow Recevoir
- Mass
- 2012 Super Air Nautique 230 1999 Nautique Super Sport with 502 Python (for Sale)
Good point on the crown on the deck and cupholders not sitting flush. I noticed that when I added one next to the observers seat to cover the old tower foot when I switched towers. I was able to get it pretty flush looking with some silicone so some black silicone or 5200 should work for you.
I am not sure I am following you on where you put the empties. Do you put them in the storage under the lift up observers seat? Or are you talking about the little space under the middle cushion between the observer and back corner seat? If the the former then maybe you could cut a cupholder size hole next to the glove box/cooler and have a bucket underneath to catch them? That way you can always just pop the cupholder in the hole when you are not using it.
Not sure this will work for you but I was able to pull my in floor locker sac forward enough to fit a short trash can behind the sac and in front of the gas tank and that is where my empties and bottle caps go. Keeps the boat clean and nobody has to move to access it.Shawn
2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230
1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)
Yeah i am talking the plastic base area between the observer seat and the rear seat... That has always been my designated empties area so it gets to be a hassle when there is 8-9 people in the boat and having someone get up every time to put a bottle/can under the seat. If there a cup holder size hole in the base people could just slide the empties in through the whole and nobody would have to move around.
So I finally got to pull her out of the garage and give her a quick bath. Found some spots in direct sunlight show some imperfections in the gelcoat, but overall i am happy with how she turned out. I will get some more pics up once I have some free time. Have been scrambling all over with a million spring time projects so its tough to find the time. Anyways here are 2 quick pics of it all back together. Cant wait to see it in the water when the white is hidden.
Quick little write up of what i did with the tower mounts. The stock mounts were a ****ty ball/socket design. I had the stock socket mounts welded. I then ground them smooth to create a flat surface for the heim joints to mate against. Larger 1/2" holes were drilled/tapped on the bases. I cut off the stock "balls" off the legs of the tower. Drilled and tapped for 1/2" heim joints w/ jam nuts. Heim joints get threaded into the tower legs. Overall I am pleased with the turn out. I still need to fill a little more in on the bases and get them re powdercoated next winter. The tower still sways some but less than it used to. Also the heim joints help take a lot of the stress off the fiberglass and gelcoat. I am happy for $50 in parts + my time.