1,000 Post Club Member
- Nov 2007
- 1575
- Fort Meadow Recevoir
- Mass
- 2012 Super Air Nautique 230 1999 Nautique Super Sport with 502 Python (for Sale)
Awesome looking boat! I love the updated graphics? What's with they.5? The later model tower?
What is your weight set up? That looks like a good waveShawn
2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230
1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)
LOL the .5 is a long story. The boat has a little history, nothing really significant. The graphics are the same ones that would go on the side of a 230 minus the griffin etc. In that pic I have a 750 port side of motor. 350lbs of lead along the port side under the seats. (400lb v drive sac would normally be on top of the port seats, but on this day we had two guys sitting there equaling the 400lbs.) 475-500ish lbs in the center locker. I have another 400 v drive in the bow on the port side seats, and another 100lbs of lead under the rear starboard corner of the wrap around seating. I weigh 190lbs for reference, my driver weighs 170. This winter I plan on fully plumbing in the bow ballast under the seats and also plumbing my center ballast as well. This was at 11.2mph. Yesterday we had the same configuration except no people so we used the 400 on the seats and I moved the 100lbs from starboard to under the observers seat and we sped up to 12mph! Wave was nice and long and could be worked farther back than seen in this pic! The surf rope is 25ft long for reference as well. My back foot in this picture is probably 28ft back from the tower.99.5 SAN with some upgrades
86 SN2001 - RIP
- Jun 2013
- 531
- Central Illinois
- 97 Nautique Super Sport 2010 Wakesetter 23 LSV 2020 Nautique G23
We surf both sides all the time now.
I keep the ski locker full (650) and i have 400 in sand/lead in the bow. We then fill the 750 sack on whatever side we are gonna surf and have whoever is in the boat sit on that side. 9.8 on perfect pass and were good to go.
I drank a beer the other day riding switch on the port side wave cuz i was too impatient to switch ballast to the other side.
OG 210 is legend -wait for it- dary!