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Just brought her home,,,shes a beauty. I had a 84 a long ti,e ago and she gave me 1400 wonderful hours. Im new on here and its a pleasure to be here with you all and share our beautiful NAUTIs.
First off Seth your Nauti is a beauty,,,nice work you have done. Yea Bullards I go to a lot and Scotts Flat is right down the road from me. San Antonio is about far south as I have been. Other lakes real close to me are,,,Collins,Rollins Englebright,,Oroville and Shasta are very nice to. Drop me a line if your ever up this way.
Definitely! I grew up in Yuba City and spent a lot of time at Oroville and Bullards growing up, and of course Tahoe in the winter! We have a house on Lake Almanor and I make it up there a couple weeks each summer.
a little thread drift here, but how are the water levels down there right now? I heard bullards is pretty well done for the moment? How about scotts flat?
The water levels for this time of year are low but they do make room for the winters rain & Snow. Look at Scotts Flat last week and the ramp is np,,,water cooling down to. Seth thats real nice you know the lakes here they are very beautiful up here in the Sierras. Im in Nevada City my home is near the 5 Mile House on 5 acres. Im from Santa Cruz,,grew up there and did my Firefighter career there (33 yrs). OK bed those Nautis down for winter,,,thanks guys for yur posts.
how is scotts flat? never been there, but considering heading over on sunday to burn up my last half tank of gas before putting the boat down for the winter.
Scotts is nice for me because its right down the road for a quickie. It can get wind but thats usually in the middle of the day. Not a lot of boats and pretty good respectful boaters. Not much to watch out for near shore but be heads up on the north part to the right theres a underwater island that when the lake is up you cant see but they bouy it. $15 launch and day or night camping,,,large ramp with 2 docks,,fuel and a little store. Any other questions you might have just post up. Fishing can be good.