The Boat and My Summer

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  • Zach@n3
    Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
    • Sep 2012
    • 736

    • Indianapolis Indiana

    • 1986 2001 ski nautique 68 correct craft skylark

    The Boat and My Summer

    Dudes, hope you all had as good of a summer on the water as me and thought I would share some highlights via photo! It's getting cold out and I am going into seasonal depression so I thought I would throw up some warm weather shots. The highlights below involve some one foot action in the beautiful blue water at the Water Bowl, 3 man deep water run behind Tom's Malibu(I would be the tiny guy on the left ha), Tom driving the Bu back with a oar after the steering cable let loose!!! Vince and Mark the Atom skier for its first drive in 30+ years, me driving the Atom, Dad's SNOB viewed from my boat, the SNOB full of family, the SNOB on its way to it's new home behind my Dodge, me as a young fellow in my dad's 87 2001, some of my artistic photo skills, and my 86 sitting at a dock on a sunny day. I get too caught up in what's going on and forget to take cool pictures but I snapped a few this year and thought I would share. Again sorry for the lack of paragraphs thanks to Windows 8 this site and this site only no longer allows me to use the enter button . I hate windows 8. Click image for larger version

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ID:	380518Any which way I turn the last picture it comes out not straight up and down
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    Last edited by Zach@n3; 11-08-2013, 03:03 PM.
  • s_kelley2000
    1,000 Post Club Member
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    • 2012 Super Air Nautique 230 1999 Nautique Super Sport with 502 Python (for Sale)

    Cool pics! The one of your dad's SNOB at the dock with the reflection looks like a good calender candidate. Why is that lake so blue? Is it an old mine or something? Looks cool.

    2012 Blue Metal Flake SAN 230

    1999 Black and Tan Python 502 Powered Super Sport (for Sale)


    • Zach@n3
      Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
      • Sep 2012
      • 736

      • Indianapolis Indiana

      • 1986 2001 ski nautique 68 correct craft skylark

      Shawn, I submitted that photo for the Calendar haha. I wish the editor didn't chop off the nose and tail though. If I had a nice camera and some time I can actually take some pretty awesome pics. Maybe I missed my calling ha. That picture actually over states the blue of the water but it is an old shallow limestone mine. It was my stomping grounds in college and I went back for homecoming to see some ski team members and do exactly what the picture was taken. I am good buddies with the club president at the bowl so he lets me come play even though I'm not a member anymore. Search "The Muncie Water Bowl" on Google maps and then change it to satellite and you can really tell how pretty the water is there.


      • wawasee
        • Sep 2011
        • 111

        • Indianapolis

        • 1995 Sport Nautique Previous: 2006 SV211 1991 Spor

        Zach, for your next computer you might want to think about getting a Mac. Great pictures. I thought we had great weather this summer in Indiana. Like you I miss summer already and can't wait til next summer.


        • Zach@n3
          Senior Member of PLANETNAUTIQUE
          • Sep 2012
          • 736

          • Indianapolis Indiana

          • 1986 2001 ski nautique 68 correct craft skylark

          Yeahh.... if Mac wasn't so expensive the whole shop would be on that. But PC reigns supreme in cost so that's what we have to deal with. And our dealership operating system does not support mac as of yet.


          • SkiTower
            1,000 Post Club Member
            • Nov 2007
            • 2172

            • Clayton, NC

            yep. Windows 8 has sent me over the top. Have iPads, pods, and phone. next will be the laptop.

            2007 SV211 SE
            2007 SV211 SE
            Tow Vehicle 2019 Tundra


            • AirTool
              1,000 Post Club Member
              • Sep 2007
              • 4049

              • Katy, Texas

              OT but fun - not as fun as boating

              my circa 2007 D830 w/xp is on the ragged edge.

              Note I had (and still have) its predecessor the 8300. I saw a guy in Panera Bread one day with the new D830 and liked its look and ruggedness but didn't want to drop the coin. Then I read XP was gone except Dell negotiated 6? more months with an XP downgrade and "bang" I pulled the trigger.

              Last year before Thanksgiving, the fan started making noise and the drive was too small. In fear of failure, (while working on several key projects), I procured a new Samsung w/keypad to start preparing for the migration. (Or at least having a working machine w/all software installed just in case.)

              I got it home and launched the Windows H8 (read "hate")...then spent the night vomiting in the toilet like a had too much 151. (I learned on Mac SE and my first computer had Dos 4.x then upgraded to windows 2.3)

              Then I somewhat got over it by clearing the desktop except one tile that says "show desktop"...then put some of my shortcuts down in the bar like quick launch.

              Then I was going to copy all my links and custom menus built for the links menu and learned they don't work upon arrival because the folder is "users\yourname\" instead of "\documents and settings\yourname"

              I always hated and wondered why MS wasted so many characters and introduced spaces with "documents and settings"

              IIRC 98 had "users"

              And "now" they decide to change it?

              At the same time, I ordered the biggest drive xp would read w/o conversion software and swapped out the drive in my Dell. And I've managed the fan problem.

              As I type, I'm on my fifth continent w/this xp machine while the samsung has been waiting almost a year. I have managed the battery to make sure it doesn't get ruined from lack of use. Note most batteries don't pop out anymore so you have to crack open the machine to get to the drive and the batteries these days.

              Also note, this 830 has the original wide it is TALLER than new screens. I don't see how anybody gets used to that smaller screen.

              I guess I can curse all day - they aren't going to listen to me.

              When I went to U of Texas (and graduated) maybe I should have lived in a dorm instead of an apartment LOL.
              Last edited by AirTool; 11-09-2013, 11:36 AM.


              • Double D
                • Mar 2012
                • 189

                • Massillon, Ohio

                • 1994 Direct Drive open bow Ski Boat

                Nice pics!! Thanks for sharing. WTH is up with Windows 8? I hear there's big issues with the 8.1 update too.

                I'll stick with my win7 for a while.

                Sent from my New iPad Mini using Tapatalk
                If its not a competition ski boat, its always second best.

                1994 Direct Drive Open Bow Ski Boat
                275 HP 350 Chevy Indmar
                Monster Tower & PerfectPass

                "In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress." - John Adams

