Dudes, hope you all had as good of a summer on the water as me and thought I would share some highlights via photo! It's getting cold out and I am going into seasonal depression so I thought I would throw up some warm weather shots. The highlights below involve some one foot action in the beautiful blue water at the Water Bowl, 3 man deep water run behind Tom's Malibu(I would be the tiny guy on the left ha), Tom driving the Bu back with a oar after the steering cable let loose!!! Vince and Mark the Atom skier for its first drive in 30+ years, me driving the Atom, Dad's SNOB viewed from my boat, the SNOB full of family, the SNOB on its way to it's new home behind my Dodge, me as a young fellow in my dad's 87 2001, some of my artistic photo skills, and my 86 sitting at a dock on a sunny day. I get too caught up in what's going on and forget to take cool pictures but I snapped a few this year and thought I would share. Again sorry for the lack of paragraphs thanks to Windows 8 this site and this site only no longer allows me to use the enter button
. I hate windows 8. 

Any which way I turn the last picture it comes out not straight up and down
