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That is an awesome paint scheme.....good blend of classy and new...very nice.
I also like that trailer....That's a different trailer crank assembly and boat stop then I have seen.
88 Ski Nautique
99 Sport Nautique
Currently - 07 Nautique 216 Team
That is an interesting trailer. I've never seen one quite like that. Nice looking boat, too!
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
It is a magnum trailer just like the one under my '02 SANTE.
At first I loved it, but it has kept having small issues that have made it less than desirable.
1. The bunk it way too close to the raw water intake for the engine, and it is all chewed up (both the bunk and intake) where they have collided on numerous occasions.
2. The brakes never worked right, so I pulled them off.
3. The boat slided left and right on the trailer even when the rear is straped down VEY tight.
4. It came with a bent axle, that they replaced, but it is still not perfect.
5. There is no way to modify it for a swing away tongue.
6. The spare tire is under the bow, but the supports are way too low, so they drag going out any drive with a little slope.
7. Mine has pads on the prop cage so it slides better when it drags, but they are no longer putting them on, so if you have to drag or push the cage over any small lips such as into a garage it will catch and not let the trailer move.
Hey thanks for the tips on the trailer, I will check that stuff out. I live in Des moines, Iowa.
Do alot of river riding, have not had this one on the river yet tho. I had a Monterey I/O
before and was glad to make the transition to a v-drive, kinda tough to wakeboard with a boat that isn't made for it. The SANTE has an incredible wake, we took it out to the lake for a test run last night.
The only problem I have found with it is the heater core is leaking hot water down under the drivers console,
so I guess I will have to replace that, any suggestions? BTW thanks for the compliments on the boat! I like it
I just replaced the heater core in mine yesterday. I can give you a hand if needed.
Call Heater Craft: 208-687-4400. Tell them you need the 2 vent heater core. It's $93.08 shipped to your door. (Make sure they don't give you the 3 vent heater core. I mistakenly thought mine was a 3 vent because I have 2 vents and a defroster. The defroster is just split off of one of the other hoses.)
Hey I sent you an email but not sure if it went through, I looked in my sent folder and it was empty so not sure. Lemme know if you didn't get an email and I will send another, Also thanks for the info on the heater core - I will give them a call. I don't need the heater yet but it will be nice in the fall
What year is ur Nauti?