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That is really clean I love the colors. I noticed the boat has MO registration numbers. I live on the MO KS boarder where are you at.
What is that black tank thing on the back of the motor?
I live on the Lake of the Ozarks. If your ever my direction let me know via e-mail at speed@blading.com and we can hook up. Lotsa of smooth water everywhere now that most of the FTs have gone home~!
Thats cool. Back in the day my family would always go over there for a weekend or two in the summer. I havent been in several years. I can not imagine driving my boat (82 2001) out there. Do you ever get scared of the rollers. I remember one time my uncle went with us and took his bass boat. He put it in went around a point and turned around and came back to the truck he was so scared.
Rollers are those series of swells left behind when a boat goes by. Big wakes, big
rollers. The rollers just keep going all the way across the lake so you can have
several series hit you at once, or you can find yourself in the middle of rollers and
not even see the boat that caused them. In strong winds, the rollers can actually
increase in size as they progress across the lake, much the same way a swell picks up size as it progresses across the ocean. Lot's of big offshore boats on Lake of the Ozarks, so
lots of big rollers.
AH! so i guess the lake is like an ocean? i can't imagine anything like that in the lakes in central florida, even the big ones, so i'm guessing that the water either isn't deep enough or big enough for boats that big.
i was sure a roller was some cheesy guy who shaves his back hair, but leaves the chest hair, lots of gold, fake hair, second wife has bigger boobs than first, and third, bigger yet! drives a cigarette boat while tanked on cosmos while his fourth wife who is his daughters best friend in high school is passed out below deck. now THAT would scare the **** out of me, but i figgered we only had those in florida!