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Very nice looking boat. Is that you in the driver's seat?
I'm thinking of modifying my cover to be a two piece design like yours. What do you think of the snaps in the gel coat? Do they bother people resting their arms over the bow? Do they collect grime?
Yes, that's me in the drivers seat. Wife is in the Green suit.
It's actually not a two piece cover. What you see is the bow cover that came from the factory.
We really like the bow cover. I wish they still put them on from the factory. I've seen several
put on aftermarket. I think you really need to choose carefully who does the install. Some I've seen were not good. Most days we just leave it on and use it as a closed bow. Really
nice on cold mornings and colder months for keeping the wind down, etc. We've never had
any problems with the snaps. Some people have complained of scratching themselves, but
we've not had that issue. However, we've never had the boat beached so there isn't
much need to climb in and out of the front. If you do decide to add one, I've been told that it is critical
that the holes for the snaps be countersunk to avoid spider cracks in the gel.
We have a full cover. Typically just put in on right over the top of the bow cover.
Those are exactly some of my concerns and I appreciate the tech help. We trailer every day and have a cover that extends over the bow and requires the bow stopper to be removed to get it off or on. Also, I think the rest of the cover would be much more managable if it was that much smaller. Cobalt does it at the factory and my dealer has never had any problem with any of the snaps coming out or anything.
We often go out on cold mornings and just pile the cover over itself into the bow. Not too pretty. Unfortunatly Abundiga is so adamantly against putting the snaps in, I'm affraid to do it and have any issue with them at all.
What about a bow cover that snaps under the rubrail? That way the only snaps in the gelcoat would be up by the windshield.
I've got to get a picture of my full cover and how it goes around the bowstop on the Ram-Lin. Redelf, you have GOT to make this modification. It makes things so much easier.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
I'm not familiar with Ramlin, but this seems strange. On my trailer, you merely unhook the winch strap, pull one pin, and the crash pads fold forward a good foot, making it easy to put the cover on. I've had 3 different trailers and all had this feature (Zieman, DHM, and current trailer sport boat).
BTW, my neighbor uses a two piece of sort on his 98 sport. Has the factory bow cover, and a mooring cover which goes over the windshield
and covers the back of the boat. Only issue is spider cracks where the
installer didn't predrill and countersink the snaps. He bought used
so he they were already there and he's anything but anal about the boat.
As a cover system, it works fine for our climate here in CA.
What about a bow cover that snaps under the rubrail? That way the only snaps in the gelcoat would be up by the windshield.
I've got to get a picture of my full cover and how it goes around the bowstop on the Ram-Lin. Redelf, you have GOT to make this modification. It makes things so much easier.
I think I've seen your picture somewhere. The cover ends right about the lifting eye.
And some posted a pic of 2 piece cover that looked a little like vinyl but had the snaps under the rub rail. It looks funny, but may be the best solution.
ON the Ramlin, the bow stopper is released by pulling the pin and then removing by pulling it straight up.
I guess my biggest concern is getting the snaps installed properly as BKH suggests. His trailer company seems to have the right idea. I will talk to Dave (Ramlin) about it.