87 nautique I bought last winter that needed resoring. Boat had 440 hrs on it (has 560 now), but just needed TLC. New carpet, upholstery, and a monstertower so far. Still need a stereo and a bimini...
I may look into the stripe, thanks BIGMAC. That would probably look real nice, and I haven't thought of that. I hadn't really thought about tower speakers before, but the guys at monstertower told me yesterday they were coming out with a new line in febuary with kicker drivers and told me they would be VERY reasonable price (I'm thinking he said under 300) so I have to decide that before the bimini to know how high to make the top...
www.towerbiminis.com They have some stripe options and many people on wakeworld have them. I have been thinking of black w/ a navy stipe for mine.
Hey there,
If it helps I just installed a Boss tower on my 2001 Nautique (1989) and I went through the vents in the front and up from underneath. Hit me up if you want more detailed analysis...
TravisFling@hotmail.comTravis Fling
Choctaw Lake
Current - 1989 Ski Nautique 2001