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Here are some pics of my 06 210 Team I picked up the second week of 06. Great boat and if anyone is interested in a pull let me know, we try to get out once or twice a week on Lake Elsinore, CA and always welcome other riders.
Thanks for the comments. The truck pulls great, but the boat pulls even better. Yeah, the yellow cars a Jag, have a red convertible one too, not in picture, the other red car you can barely see is a Mercedes 300 not the gullwing but same year with regular doors, they're all my gramps cars, except the Nova, if anyone is wondering, he didn't help me get the boat just lets me keep it in his garage Love the Nautique
That is a sweet boat man.
I love your tow rig also. Are you worried about your tires kicking up rocks and debries on your trailer and your boat? Do you have mud flaps?
Don't know if I have seen Murphy out there, if he was he wasn't doing any tricks to really grab my interest, seen some hydrofoil's out there and might just not have been doing anything when we were around. Did see some nice tricks from a LB based place at the Long Beach Marine Stadium in Dec though. As for the truck kicking up rocks............I am now going to be extremely paranoid about that now, glad you brought it up though as I will now be doing something about it, just in case