Here's a few pics of my job. Aqua Tread marine flooring used.
Thanks. Heat depends probably a lot on where you are as well. In Minnesota the floor wasn't too hot. However if you were in a southern state I could see that being an issue. Last year there wasn't a time where I or my kids couldnt walk on it.
i had the whole job done by an upholstery company in Mpls area who does a lot of boats, but i did speak with him on how it went. He said no issue. Before i started this i had asked around on a couple forums (correct craft fan too) if anyone had done this and used a vinyl type floor.
Found a lot of opinions on how to do the work, but nobody that had actually done it. One dude said i was going to have to gel the whole floor prior to laying this down. Oddly enough, he was incorrect. they smoothed out the floor with some sanding, then used the recommended ahesive, bam.