I absolutely love my new boat. It is very large and throws a huge surf wave. The only thing that took a little getting used to is the fact that it takes soooo much ballast in this huge boat to get the surf wave right. Once I figured that out everything is good. I did put on a new torque prop to help out and haven't tested that out yet but I look forward to doing that very soon.
Yes I have a 900 Sumo Sac in both. I have found that with only a few people in the boat and the factory ballast full it just wasn't very large. After tinkering a good bit I found that if you put those 900's in the back two storage lockers it helps tremendously. I even have to start to drain out some of the factory ballast when the 900's are filled up. All I can figure is that the location of the 900's being so far back in the boat helps a lot to set the hull down and make the wave much larger. I am definitely not a professional at it yet but we seemed to have it dialed in pretty good last weekend. We were able to ride super far back because it was pushing pretty hard. I almost sunk two pontoons so it was looking pretty good. haha