Wish I could answer your questions, still have not had the opportunity to return to the Lake for the inaugural run. IT'S KILLING ME!! The X-9 was a great boat to slalom behind with 1 or 2 people aboard. Not so sure I would even try to hit the course behind this one; we have been more focused on wakeboarding and surfing lately.
Awesome boat, welcome!
With 4 full years of Gs now and somewhere around 500hrs on my own Gs.... I still haven't see a comprehensive review of a slammed and dialed in G25 wake. I am talking 2850 + 2-3000lbs of extra ballast.
ive seen lots of speculation... That the G25 being longer is harder to surf and dial in. I don't buy it.
When I bought my G in early 2013 as a dedicated surf boat folks on here insulted me that I was stupid--- the Gs are 23-24mph wake monsters, not for surfing.
i would love to see your boat slammed with 2850, 1100 in the surf side trunk. 500 in the other trunk. 500lbs lead in the bow and another 500lbs lead mid-boat. 6-8 adults, NCRS 4, SurfVert 2, 11.8-12mph
2019 G23 450
2014 G23 550
2013 G23 450
2011 Malibu Wakesetter 247
2007 Yamaha AR210
Can't wait to give you a preliminary review! On my test ride we filled the stock ballast, with three on board, NCRS 0, NSS 5. The wake looked incredible, granted I am coming from a MC X9 packed to the gills with extra ballast. Trying to get out this weekend, We surfed the X-9, a direct drive boat for two years; the G-25 WILL NOT be harder to dial in and surf. I bet a lot of money on that fact.