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Our New 2017 - Thanks to the Nautique family and Action Water Sports!!
Can you get a better pic of the Reef Blue in the sun? That pic above looks sooo close to my Blue Metallic. Just want to see a good sunlight picture. Great looking boat!! Congrats.
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It is very roomy but the when the back of the seats fold forward it makes that whole area flat which is nice but I dont think your great danewould be able to stand up tall
Thanks. When I looked at the mega cab a couple years ago, the seat bottoms didn't fold up (which was odd I thought) and the floor was no where near flat anyway... Wish that a manufacturer would make a mega cab like that, with completely foldable/stowable or easily removable rear seat... Right now, F150 has the most room when seats folded up, and a very flat floor... next would prob be sierra (which I have) not spacious, but my great dane can manage ok there... I think my next truck will get a nice fiberglas topper with some way to run A/C in it while driving... Gonna be a challenge.