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Love it! I am not usually a fan of blue, but that boat looks great.
I own and operate Silver Cove Marine, which is an inboard boat restoration, service, and sales facility located in Mooresville, North Carolina. We specializes in Nautiques and Correct Crafts, and also provide general service for Nautiques fifteen years old and older.
If we can be of service to you, please contact us anytime!
I also wanted to see how it compared to your 210 wake wise.
Sorry... I've answered it in other threads... I think the 210's surf wave is taller with a more gradual ramp. The GS surf wave seems shorter but its a lot steeper. The GS wave is also a lot longer than the 210's which translates into the surfer having more wave to surf on. Picture a narrower V shaped wake behind the GS with the 210 having a fatter V. My son (weighs 130 lbs.) says the GS wave has a lot more push than the 210 and he was able to ride as far as 20 to 25 feet back with ease. He rarely loses the wave with the GS from being too far back, he used to do it occasionally on the 210. For me @ 240lbs, the push was identical but the sweet spot where I could surf is bigger. I also believe the actuator transitions on the NSS are faster. We have a friend with a G23 that surfed behind our boat and said our wave has as much push as his even though our wake is shorter.
The slalom wake is flatter than my 210 was. But not as flat as a friends sport 200. As far as wakeboarding goes, my son says that the wake is narrower at the same line length used on my 210 but just as much kick.
My only complaint is that the boom for barefooting is not as convenient on the GS as it was on the 210. We have to use the pop up pylon versus the tower mount. And the chine spray is closer to the footer but not as powerful. However the engine is more powerful, more torque and gets out of the hole and on plane MUCH faster than our 210.
And again... net / net the GS20 is so much more fun to drive than the 210. Again, I loved the 210 but I felt disconnected from the water driving it. The GS20 is like driving a sports car, it corners flat, accelerates quickly, planes fast and rides with the bow lower than the 210 when wake-surfing. I had given up on a V-drive wake boat being able to drive like my 216 DD. The GS20 doesn't make you compromise. **** I even did some power slides in it the other day. Would never do that in my 210.