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Really like the color . Keep us posted on wake please
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Will do. Hope to have it on the water next weekend. Not sure how much wake experimenting I will get to do next weekend with 3 8 year old boys and a 12 year old boy, but I will keep you posted on the wake as I get it figured out.
Love the colors - congratulations!! Is Cory doing the delivery?
Cori is the sales rep, but I'm not sure who is doing the delivery. I live almost 3 hours away from MarineMax in Buford. They are going to deliver the boat to me at my lake and do the "Captains Delivery" as I believe they call it.
Hey guys I want to thank everyone on here for their advice on ordering a new boat! I finally took delivery of the boat today and it is awesome. The only thing I'm not totally happy with is the fact that I can't swivel the board racks all the way in because of the WS Rev10s I had installed. I didn't think that they would create a clearance issue. Stupid me.
I will add some more pics as soon as I get a chance.
Hey guys I want to thank everyone on here for their advice on ordering a new boat! I finally took delivery of the boat today and it is awesome. The only thing I'm not totally happy with is the fact that I can't swivel the board racks all the way in because of the WS Rev10s I had installed. I didn't think that they would create a clearance issue. Stupid me.
I will add some more pics as soon as I get a chance.
I just hung my Rev10's and ran into the same issue. I think I am going to drill a detent hole in the rack swivel so that the stop at 90* or a little more. Enough to rotate without hitting the speaker. Either that, or will have to bite the bullet for the no bungee rack which seems to sit lower.
I just hung my Rev10's and ran into the same issue. I think I am going to drill a detent hole in the rack swivel so that the stop at 90* or a little more. Enough to rotate without hitting the speaker. Either that, or will have to bite the bullet for the no bungee rack which seems to sit lower.
I'm going to see how much clearance I need and if Rev8s would work better. If it looks like the Rev8s will work better I may have a brand new pair of Rev10s for sale. Let me know what you end up doing.
Yes AVC did the stereo work. Have you had experience with them?
Yes, Chris and the team made some custom Rev10 enclosures for me and a Grill for the subwoofer. I am very satisfied with the work they completed for us.
One suggestion....Before you guys go to drilling and changing out speakers, try flipping your racks over. That might give you the needed clearance. Beautiful boat BTW
One suggestion....Before you guys go to drilling and changing out speakers, try flipping your racks over. That might give you the needed clearance. Beautiful boat BTW
This thought crossed my mind and I'm going to try it. Just haven't had a chance to try it yet.