Originally posted by Bevostein
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- Jun 2008
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- Frisco, TX
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Many people have flipped their racks for clearance. Unless they have changed the angle in the last few years, the racks once flipped over sit pretty much dead level. There is no downward pressure on the bungees. You might can do some searching on here and find a pic. I could also snap one for you this weekend
Originally posted by Evening Shade View Post
I've got 600# sacs to go in the rear compartments and a 250# sac to go under the bow seats. We will see what that does to the wake. I've asked on here and haven't gotten any responses to how the GS20 responds to extra weight.
How's the wake dialing in going Evening Shade? Inquiring minds want to know!
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1,000 Post Club Member
- Apr 2015
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- Martinez, GA/Lake Greenwood, SC
- 2017 GS20 Previous: 2011 SAN 210, 2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
Honestly I haven't had a chance to get out in the boat except when the dealer delivered it and that was only about an hour on the water. Once I get get a chance to get it out some I will try to give some good feedback. May not get a chance to get some data this weekend either. Weather forecast is calling for wind and rain.Last edited by Evening Shade; 05-10-2017, 05:07 AM.2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23 LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
1,000 Post Club Member
- Apr 2015
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- Martinez, GA/Lake Greenwood, SC
- 2017 GS20 Previous: 2011 SAN 210, 2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
Originally posted by keith View Post
Which motor did you get? I have the GS20 with H5. It does really well but remember to use the NCRS when loaded. I had 9 big adults and loaded ballast in the boat. I could not get on plane then it hit me!!! Crank up the Running System. That changes the game 100%. BTW, the wake was very nice and rampy. Bigger than I wanted but the wake boarders loved it.2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23 LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
Just make sure it is on. Very simple. On the left side of your display you will see NCRS settings. Even in the manual mode you can set it to "On" and "High". When you load different riders or disciplines, you can save the setting so it happens automatically. You will figure it out quickly
1,000 Post Club Member
- Apr 2015
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- Martinez, GA/Lake Greenwood, SC
- 2017 GS20 Previous: 2011 SAN 210, 2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
Originally posted by Bevostein View PostMany people have flipped their racks for clearance. Unless they have changed the angle in the last few years, the racks once flipped over sit pretty much dead level. There is no downward pressure on the bungees. You might can do some searching on here and find a pic. I could also snap one for you this weekend2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23 LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
1,000 Post Club Member
- Apr 2015
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- Martinez, GA/Lake Greenwood, SC
- 2017 GS20 Previous: 2011 SAN 210, 2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
Originally posted by cbeitel123 View PostHow's the wake dialing in going Evening Shade? Inquiring minds want to know!
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The boat has a really solid ride in chop. It feels much more solid and less harsh in rough water than my old boat (2011 210). So far I really like the boat, but I do have some small negatives to mention. 1. It doesn't seem to track as well as my 210 did with waves coming in to the side of the boat. This may be because it only has one tracking fin as opposed to 3, but I'm not sure. 2. The drivers seat is either too high or the windshield is too low because the top of the windshield frame and mirror bracket are directly in my line of vision. This is with the seat bolster in the down position. I've never liked driving with the bolster up. One other thing I will mention is that the only way my wife can see in the review mirror is with the bolster seat up. You just can't adjust the mirror down enough for her to be able to see in it with the bolster seat down.
It was just my wife and I in the boat so we didn't have much human ballast. We didn't have a lot of time so I didn't take a wakeboard, but I did surf a little. We ran out of time so didn't get to tweak the wave much. I will say that I was disappointed that I couldn't surf without the rope when I put the boat in surf mode. The wave just didn't have enough push, but I'm really a beginner. A more experienced surfer might be able to ride it, but it seems like it would take a lot of effort to stay in the wave without the rope. I tried to piggyback my sacks in to see if I could make the wave better, but I couldn't get to the through hull overflow fittings because they are in such a tight space. I hate to say this (because I never thought I would use one of these again), but I will try using the sacks with a throw over the side of the boat pump, but I don't have one anymore.
I was hoping to get a Sumo Max Flo 4250 gph pump, but I was told that it may not work well with my Sumo Sacks because my sacks are not the newer Sumo Max Sacks.
I will keep playing with it and get it figured out and hopefully have good things to report in the near future.2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23 LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
1,000 Post Club Member
- Apr 2015
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- Martinez, GA/Lake Greenwood, SC
- 2017 GS20 Previous: 2011 SAN 210, 2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
Originally posted by HVL2010 View Post
I think the issue is the tines would be pointing down, putting pressure on the bungees rather than on the rack itself. I may have an another idea.2007 Malibu Wakesetter 23 LSV, 1995 Cobalt 200
We put several hours on our GS20 on Saturday. A few impressions.
The display and software are really easy to use once you get used to them. Had no problem switching between the activity settings. It lost bluetooth connectivity with my phone once, but that was the only issue we had.
I really liked how there was no bow rise when taking off. Boat stayed level and you could tell the systems were working their magic. The boat drives really nice in choppy water. Much better than my old inboard.
Really love the features, layout and attention to details in design. It is really well thought out as far as layout and usage. Makes for an easy day on the water.
We had four adults and five kids (age 6 to 11) on board and there was plenty of room for everyone and their gear. It is very roomy for a 20' boat (at least compared to our 21' inboard)
I agree with Evening Shade on the tracking. Granted the water was a little choppy, but pulling an intermediate level slalom skier at 29 mph or so the boat slid all over the place. Was real hard to keep it on line. No idea how it would pull thru a slalom course without running over buoys, or how it would stay straight with an advanced skier pulling really hard. Maybe it needs another tracking fin or two.
Also agree on the seat height/window frame. It really gets in your line of sight and you either duck or sit up taller. And I need to move the mirror. When getting started, the surfer was right where my head was in the mirror and I couldn't see him.
With two families on board, the surf wave was really nice. I could surf ropeless for as long as my ability would let me do it (I'm an average surfer). When it was just the driver in the boat, there wasn't enough push for me to surf ropeless very long. That could be my ability so I'll keep working on it, but if you get enough weight in the boat it surfs just fine.
Overall we are really happy with the boat. I haven't skied behind it yet, and we haven't gotten good enough at surfing to be really critical, so the jury is still out on some items.