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- Create two checklists. One for "Boat prep before you launch" and another one for "Trailer prep for the way home." Get them laminated and USE THEM until you know the steps by heart.
- The plug is NOT in the boat until YOU put YOUR hand on it and verify. Nobody gets to say "oh, yea it's in." The buck stops with you. When you get it wrong, it looks like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMTKDOk0k3E
- That thunder you hear that makes you say "Oh, I have at least another 45 minutes before it gets here" is a big, giant recipe for disaster. You do NOT have 45 minutes. You hear thunder, you head towards the ramp. If you wait too long, it looks like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pgn4l6j3OZw
There is a big learning curve for boating, and there just aren't many shortcuts. It's not like going out and buying a new car. Someone above said the learning curve is quicker because it's a GS22. It is not.
Thanks for the warnings and advice charlesml3. Hopefully I won't live up to being = to the type of boat owner you're warning me about.