I figured I'd introduce myself here, along with some pictures of the boat. I grew up skiing behind and i/o and have been in the market for an actual ski boat most of the summer, intending to get a decent deal come fall. I actually started of my search looking almost exclusively for 91-94 MC ProStars. I also looked at some of the 95-97 ProStars, but didn't like the wake compared to the earlier ones. Then, based on quite a few recommendations at BOS, I started looking at early TSC1 boats as well, as the price was right in line with many of the EFI 91-94 ProStars. Was between a 94 ProStar and a 97 SN, and ended up going with the SN as it was 6 hours closer. Had a bit of a miss when I got it, but new plugs, wires, cap and rotor have it running like a champ. Ski's wonderfully and drives great. Had 920 hours on it when I bought it on Labor Day weekend, and I've put 22 hours on the clock since then skiing on a few weekends and after work.
Thanks to everyone on the forum. I got a lot of good information and questions answered during my research from this forum!
Thanks to everyone on the forum. I got a lot of good information and questions answered during my research from this forum!