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I just replaced all my ballast and bilge hoses.
Found a split in the left one at the T..
Hopefully I can have it put back together and water test it this weekend.
Looks great! I have a 2000 Air as well. Wondered how to take it all apart as I need to replace the sending units in the ballast tanks, and I'd also like to do some maintenance on the rudder to help with steering and maybe replace the steering cable. But heard you have to pull the tanks to do all that. Mind sharing how you pulled it apart after removing the bench seat?
Looks great! I have a 2000 Air as well. Wondered how to take it all apart as I need to replace the sending units in the ballast tanks, and I'd also like to do some maintenance on the rudder to help with steering and maybe replace the steering cable. But heard you have to pull the tanks to do all that. Mind sharing how you pulled it apart after removing the bench seat?
When I started pulling things apart, I started with the (dog house) engine cover. Then pull the rear seat., once those were pulled , I was able to pull the center floor board.
Then pulling the fuel tank, taking out the mounting brackets and hold down brackets.
I actually had to pump out about 20 gallons of fuel, Went to harbor freight and pick up a pump and put the extra fuel back in my truck..lol
Disconnect all fuel lines, vent lines, fill lines, bilge lines and fuel sending unit. I did remove the driver side gunnel to get access to the bilge lines going to the the side vents
Being able to pull the fuel tank out of the made getting to everything really easy to work on.
From there I was able to get to the bilge area, to clean and remove all the ballast tank from there you should have access to the rudder and cables on the inside..
If I left off anything, I apologize..
I you have any other questions please feel free to hit me back..
Thanks! Does the rear bench back support just slide up? Or do you have to remove some screws somewhere first. Also, to remove driver side gunnel, it's just screws you can access underneath? Thx.
Thanks! Does the rear bench back support just slide up? Or do you have to remove some screws somewhere first. Also, to remove driver side gunnel, it's just screws you can access underneath? Thx.
I replaced the steering cable on my 99 Air Nautique. It's not a horrible job, but it did take me most of a day. Anyway, I was able to do it without completely removing the gas tank. After you get the rear seat out of the boat, you'll see two brackets. They do two things. 1) Support the rear seat and 2) Hold the gas tank down. They have to come out. There are screws top and bottom.
Get them out and get most of the fuel out of the tank. From there, you can slide the tank around such that the port side comes forward. This will give you enough room to remove the port ballast tank. This has to come out. The starboard one can stay. With the ballast tank out, you can easily get to the steering cable.
Note: There's a "clamp tube" that the steering cable passes through. There will be four bolts holding that tube. Do NOT take them out. That adjusts the rudder throw and you don't need to mess with that. Instead, unscrew the big nut on the end of the cable sheath. Once you do, the cable will pull through.
I’m the same here, plus we have no dealership for nautique around here, and all the marinas around here only work on bass boats..lol
Plus I’m pretty mechanical myself.
I like knowing everything is properly installed, and how to install it, so if I ever have to fix it later down the line , I can.
I done everything from heater core , to put a new depth sounder in..
This is my first year owning this boat..
Absolutely love it..
Plus when I upgrade in the future, I’ll definitely know what I’m looking for and at.
I have a 370lbs fly high that fits perfect on top of the tanks and can still shut the rear locker. On the to do list as well to figure out how to just tie in to the existing tanks. Gonna be a busy spring. (Also have to fix depth finder as the Hummingbird model doesn't work). Seems like what takes you guys 8 hrs, takes me 16 hrs. Hah, need all the help I can get. Steering cable seems complex to me. Don't even know how to take the throttle moulding off the driver side. Hah.
I started with my heater core, had to pull the side panel off to get the kick panel out..
On the throttle , you need to pull the center neutral button, and there’s is a set screw, the throttle handle will come off..