Just a heads up. I have the same engine and this year I had the serpentine belt come off about 3 times. Finally I realized one of the bolts that holds the alternator had snapped. It took me 6 hours to get the busted bolt out of the engine block. I've got it all back together but I am going to make sure those 3 bolts are tight a couple of times a year.
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Originally posted by CarlitosAir View Postlooks great! i have the same boat, but with the red/black/white colors, and first thing i did was remove the decals. i like the lettering you added on there instead. Also the seadek looks great, did you do that yourself? if so where did you find it? i cant locate it anywhere.
Originally posted by zswartley1214 View Post
Thanks for the comments. Dealer in MD completed the sea deck for the original owner, but everything was done through Nautique. I know of one place here in PA that would do a diagram and laser cut it for you, but I would start with a Nautique shop and go from there. Good Luck!
Originally posted by zswartley1214 View Post
Ordered 2 wedges for next season. No experience yet - stand by...
last week we were 4 people out, so 3 people on board and 1 surfer. Wedge placed on the starboard side rear, 750# fat sac in the aft walkway, all 3 factory ballast full, and we brought a 110L yeti, placed in front of the rear seat, filled and closed. The wave was OKAY, but not really large enough, or ample push. there was curling, and I feel with 1 extra person, we might be alot closer