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To be honest I was a little skeptical at first with all the blue, but it is really turning out bad ***. I’ve been holding off the finishing touches on my 98’ and this is very inspiring. I’m digging all the seadek and the new vinyl. How did you find your local upholsterer? Word of mouth, trial and error? I got a quote from Christines(don’t know what it’s called now) and I was sure I could beat the price locally.
How do you get the Nautique N logos in the new upholstery without having to order OEM through Christine's? Is that something pretty simple that any local upholsterer should be able to do?
To be honest I was a little skeptical at first with all the blue, but it is really turning out bad ***. I’ve been holding off the finishing touches on my 98’ and this is very inspiring. I’m digging all the seadek and the new vinyl. How did you find your local upholsterer? Word of mouth, trial and error? I got a quote from Christines(don’t know what it’s called now) and I was sure I could beat the price locally.
I’ve used this upholsterer for several years. She is actually the grandma of a friend that I went to high school with. I sort of grew up around her and then now I think I see her more than he does ha ha. She does great work!
How do you get the Nautique N logos in the new upholstery without having to order OEM through Christine's? Is that something pretty simple that any local upholsterer should be able to do?
I actually had a friend make them for me and I have no idea what kind of equipment they used to do it. I’m not trying to promote going this route as I used Christines to do half my upholstery in my boat and I will use C&S when I finish the rest of it. I don’t think Nautique or C&S would appreciate if someone started making these and selling them so I’m not promoting it.
In the day and age of digitizing, it would be a very easy thing to do. It’s just a logo and font. Christines says they’re the only licensed upholster to use it, which is probably true. But I can’t imagine Nautique getting upset with any upholster using their logo to repair or replace upholstery in one of their boats. It’s not like the upholster is selling there logo, they’re charging for their skill set and material.
Nothing more to update as of right now. The upholstery lady went to Vegas and just got back yesterday. She should be finished up by this time next week, but I assume I will get some pieces back between now and then. This particular seat heater kit looks like it was $46 on Amazon, I did not purchase as I’m really just doing this for a friend. Truth be told, I have not looked into wiring yet, although, this kit did come with a switch and wiring harness. The harness will have to be extended for sure, but I’ll look into all of that once I have everything back and start getting things situated in the boat. Need to finish my own boat project first before I make room for this one in a heated shop! Good thing is I should be done with my boat in 2 weeks or so. Then this one will get worked on more.
Am curious too........with the dark color...from my experience.......anything out of the ordinary under the vinyl has stuck out and is very visible. Curious how the matting will look under the dark vinyl.....keep us posted.
Should have some pictures in the next week. I don’t think they will stick out as these pads are pretty thin, but I could very well be wrong. First time doing this and I haven’t really searched for other threads of people that have done the same thing.
Can’t wait to see the finished project. I love the look of the sea dek. I’ve been anxiously waiting to see the longevity of their product before I pull the trigger. Can you offer any feed back? I have a 98’ SS and plan on redoing my entire interior (vinyl and flooring) and convert the electric actuator to gas shocks and possibly making it into 3 separate hatches instead of the 1 piece next winter. This winter my list has stargazer, all new dash gauges, upgraded batteries and prop. I’m going to start ordering up my parts in the next month or so. You’re projects are looking good!