Got a 94 196 w/351 GT40 EFI [my first boat]. Previous owner pulled the boat out of the slip for incoming hurricane and parked it at the camp. The plug was left in and boat filled with water and sat for several months. I have started getting it ready for the water. Started with the pressure washer and some awesome all purpose cleaner, just so I could sit in the boat and work on the engine. Pulled the starter [cleaned], drained the oil, replaced spark plugs, and ran into some issues starting. Definitely not a mechanic. Replaced the distributer cap incorrectly[ wrong firing order], worked through that issue with the help of this site and my neighbor. SHE FIRED!!!!! I was pretty excited. Running on the trailer [fake-a-lake], the boat would surge and not allow revs past 2700 rpm. Initially thought it was the ECM. Pulled it and water poured out. Cleaned the board, checked relays and the problem continued. Thanks again to this site, one of the repair manuals indicated that two sensors [oil pressure and water temp] cause the ECM to put the motor in SLOW mode. Disconnected the sensors [will replace] and the boat runs like a top. After a couple of test runs on the river, decided to bring the kids tubing. Boat was perfect. Trailer, not so much. On the way home, the trailer tire came off the axle and past me in the left lane. Luckily, I safely made it to the shoulder with minimal damage. Working on replacing the hub on both sides now.

Is that new upholstery?2004 206 Air Nautique Limited - Black with Vapor Blue (family style)
1997 Masters Edition Nautique - Zephyr Green - gone (amazing ski wake)
1982 Mastercraft Powerslot - gone (a primitive but wonderful beast)
Bellevue WA