A sunset shot my son took from the dock last night as we were wrapping it up fro the day. was 100* F out.
RE: Sunday night powerslide
Is this a daily thing? I ask because I'm wondering what kind of strain it puts on the boat if you do this regularly. Definitely a cool photo!
My buddy does these in his (dad's) MC and it's rather annoying when he doesn't tell anyone it's coming.
RE: Sunday night powerslide
Dealer told me as long as you back off on the throttle before you turn there is no or little stress through the drivetrain. 83 deg in my cube right now so I might take the rest of the day off.2016 SAN 210
2006 SANTE sold
2001 SAN - sold
1991 Sport Nautique - sold
I am under the same impression. I just do it for fun once in a while. My 92 Barefoot could not do it as it only had one skeg, and not nearly as much power...... so it is pretty cool once in a while..... not a frequent habit. I think it is a little hard on them, but they are Nautiques after all.... and can take it.
it was 104* F on the freeway 20 minutes ago.the WakeSlayer
1999 Super Air - Python Powered <-- For Sale
1968 Correct Craft Mustang
I'm sure the turns we do to spin the boat around on each end of the course are as bad/worse than a powerturn like that, since they are under power and the PP is gunning it through the turn. Awesome pic. Hollywood- next time you get out to our lake, we're taking one of these pictures from the other boat!!!
That's the second Super Air I've ever seen with those graphics- was it an optional package or something?
Originally posted by M3FanHollywood- next time you get out to our lake, we're taking one of these pictures from the other boat!!!
That's the second Super Air I've ever seen with those graphics- was it an optional package or something?
I believe those were the original graphics for the first year.
If you really want to slide, figure out which way the boat turns easiest. For RH Nautiques, I believe it's to the left. (Correct me if I'm wrong here, I'm having a senior moment) That way the prop kind of "slides" in the water. I usually turn a little bit the other way then floor it as you turn the wheel all the way. About half way into the turn you can ease the throttle back. I can get my 1991 to kick the back end out and spin in place.Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward. For it is there you have been and there you will long to return. - Leonardo De Vinci