Finally joined the Nautique family. 220 Team Edition. :grin:
RE: Re: RE: Nice boat
NICE boat and LANCE camper!!!!!!
Tell me how you get the camper in there please.
Tell me how you get the camper in there please.
I take it that you have the camper loaded on the truck and pull the 220. What truck do you have?
Do you have any pics of the entire setup hooked all up
Originally posted by Zedawake_fun
Tell me how you get the camper in there please.
I purchased the Lance Camper used and the previous owner built a dolly with wheels that is the same rectangular shape as the bottom of the camper. We lower the camper onto the dolly and wheel it under the 9' garage door. It's a pretty tight fit under the 9' door. If you have a 10' door, that would be the best. I'm glad I have a taller door, because the 220 on its trailer with the tower folded will not fit under the 8' double door I have. All in all, it's a great setup. I does take a little time pulling everything out of the garage, but well worth it to store my toys indoors. Thanks for the compliments. Yellow_Flash_Colorz:
The boat is a new 2006 that some lady ordered and then couldn't make the deal happen due to Sugar Daddy issues (so I'm told). My dealer sent me photos because he knew my wife and I love the 220 and a week later, I sold my Tige 22V and pulled the trigger. The trailor is pimp. When you back it into the water in the evening, a sensor trips some runway lights near the running boards to guide you in like a runway. Needless to say we get alot of people just staring at our boat and trailor. Also, the wake is perfect and makes tantrums and big air grabs sooooo sooooo much easier. Sorry I don't have pictures of the F350 with the camper and boat, but will post some after our next camping trip. Thanks for all of the compliments. We love Nautique.